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Hold on. Let me cut the rest of this scene off! No one cares about their little lovers quarrel, isn't that right readers?


Pillow, stop interfering with the plot! These scenes form the personality of Liy, our beloved pro-antagonist!


Nah. This is so boring, just hold on!


"i really dislike foldy" stapy said

"i hate you all" purple highlighter said |

Pillow! Stop!!


This is funny, wait!

"i am liy and i have broken into this scene to say that foldy you are horrible. give me the one thousand robux that you owe right now"

"never liy you scammed me now give me back my mm2 godlys"

"shut up stapy likes me not you he literally had more screen time with me than he did with you turquoise freak show"

"it's because i got eliminated;-;"


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