9) The Dinner -Part 1-

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Dhalia's POV

Naturally for women, we always want to have the 'perfect' hair style and the 'perfect' outfit and we settled for nothing less. And today was one of those days, in which I couldn't find the'perfect' outfit.

After three long hours I chose to wear a long sleeves white dress shirt and a navy blue skirt that reach above my knees. My red hair is lose and straight as always. After I got out of the hospital I decided to have a Bob hair cut to hide some of my chopped off hair to the right side of my head and also to hide a scar above my right eye that was slowly healing.

 After I got out of the hospital I decided to have a Bob hair cut to hide some of my chopped off hair to the right side of my head and also to hide a scar above my right eye that was slowly healing

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I study my reflection in the mirror, I put on make-up and kept it as naturally as possible. The clock in the white vanity table reads six fifty-five. Five more minute until Chris arrives.

After Chris arrived at the office, I agreed to have dinner with him. But I never though getting ready, would be this stressful. I tried different outfits but I didn't feel comfortable in any of them. I was afraid many of the dresses I tried on, were going to show the scares I have on my ribs and my back.

I was unsure on whether or not go to this dinner, for sure people are going to talk like they always do. As much as I would like to stay away for the media, they always seem to find a way to gossip about my life. I already got discharged from the hospital they will be chasing after me to see 'how I'm doing'. They can see a smile in my face but inside I'm completely heartbroken.

People say curiosity kill the cat and I was curious, I want to know how Chris life turned out, what projects he's working?, if he has a girlfriend or wife?, what happened to his family? all of this questions need to be answer and soon. but the main question was why he left so suddenly after graduation? most of the time I thought I was a bad friend or maybe I hurt him and make him want to be away from me?.

The door bell ring bringing me back to reality, Chris is here. I got my navy hand purse and went downstairs to open the door.

Once I opened the door there he was wearing a black vest with a white long sleeve shirt and black pants. His hair was perfect combed to a side.

"Hello, you look beautiful"

"Hi Chris, thank you and you look handsome as well"

"Are you ready?" He asked

I nodded and he took my hand and we walked to his car. Chris opened the door for me.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome, malady" he said and walked to the driver seat.

"So, are you going to tell me where are we're going to dine?"

"Always trying to spoil the surprise Dhalia?"

"Can you just tell me?" I asked

"We'll be there in a few minutes"

True to his words we arrived at the restaurant Italian villa few minutes later.

"I know you like Italian, so I made reservations for us"

"Chris, you remember!"

"Of course, I would remember little red dragon. Now come on, let's get inside"

We got out of the car, and walked to the restaurant. The minute we got inside the hostess directed us to our table. We got to our seats and order.

"This is a nice place Chris, you know that if you want to have dinner here you have to reserved at least two months in advance?" I asked. This place was very popular, and almost every New Yorker wanted to dine at the Italian Villa the most elegant, expensive and exquisite restaurant.

"Yes, but I happened to recently acquired this chain of Italian restaurants darling" he answered with a smirk on his face.

"What a convenience" I sarcastically reply.

"I hope you enjoy our super, little red dragon" he says charmingly.

"Chris you know I will. So this is what you do for business, buy restaurants?"

"Well, that's a way to look at it. By buying small businesses you can expand. I happened to own hotels, and restaurants, but my main focus is Blanchett corporation, I just like to expand in different branches"

"That's just means how successful you are. I kept tabs on you, I know were also working on environmental projects mister"

"Says the famous designer" he says leaning back on his chair smiling. And that makes me blush.

"I think we both have what we wanted. And maybe a little more. Don't you think?"

"Yes, and its going to get better I hope" he says reaching out for my left hand. "I don't see a ring there"

"I'm trying to move on, trying to glue my self back again and let go of the past" I stated.

"I know what you're going through, my mum pass away two years ago, it was hard but eventually the pain became less and less each day, until it was bearable" sadness flash in his eyes.

"I'm sorry" I whisper.

"What I'm trying to tell you is, this will pass and you'll be okay" his words were smooth and calming. My heart warned at his words.

"Thank you Chris"

"You're welcome little dragon"

Just a moment has pass and a waiter brings us the wine Chris ordered.

"Let's have a toast, for meeting again"

"Cheers" I said.

Moments later the food arrived.just the smell and presentation of the food made hungry and we start eating.

"This food is delicious" I said, devouring the dish. And take a sip of the wine.

"It's very exquisite"

"Just letting you know, I'm going to order dessert"

"Little red dragon you can order anything you like"

"Okay then Chris, I want more wine" I said. Taking another sip of the wine.

"Of course, anything else?"

"Uuhh... Let me think about?... How about you tell me what you been up to?"

"That's easy, I'm been working my butt off" he casually said.

"That's it? No girlfriend, wife or kids? What about your family?" I asked drinking the rest of the wine.

"Well, I did have a few girlfriends but some of them just wanted my money and others were too into themselves and how they look. I'm a single man. As for my family they're good thank you for asking"

I was about to speak when a person came to our table. His gaze was fix on us and he had a smirk on his face. He was looking at us, mischievous like he was enjoying something only he knew. Standing in-front of our table was Calvin Balack.

"Good evening"


First I wanted to thank everyone who has been reading this story. It has 2.5K reads I'm so happy about it. I hope you're liking the story so far.
Second, sorry for any mistakes I tried to edit as much as I could.
Third, please vote and comment.
And. Lastly this chapter was really long so I decided to split into two separate chapter.

Once again thank you for reading.

Picture credit: Instagram 

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