12) The Breakfast

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Dhalia's POV

I'm not a morning person, the last thing I want to do is get up and leave my warm and comfy bed. nevertheless I got up and to take a shower and get dress for the day. The smell of French toast got my attention I went down stairs and found Chris shirtless in the kitchen, cooking he look so handsome.

 The smell of French toast got my attention I went down stairs and found Chris shirtless in the kitchen, cooking he look so handsome

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"Good morning"

"Hey good morning" he said turning around. "Have a seat I made you French toast, hope you like them"

"Of course will, Thank you Chris I was certainly hungry I had not eaten since dinner last night"

"How is the hangover?"

"What hangover?"

"Little red dragon, you were drunk last night" 

"I told you yesterday night Chris, I wasn't drunk and this French toast smell delicious I might have to return the favor by cooking one of my famous dishes. What do you say?" I told him taking a seat and he serve me a plate of steamy french toasts. And hoping he doesn't say anything about the kiss.

"I would said I feel like having Mexican food today" he said smiling.

"Good, so are you staying until lunch time or are you coming back?" I asked taking a bite from the steamy delicious toasts.

"I'll be coming back, sorry my secretary told me there some pending paper work at the office I need to take care of. Hopefully it won't take long "

"That sucks on a Saturday! when you should be resting"

"I know but I'll be back before you know it"

"Okay Chris, and  I'll have your meal ready by them."

"Looking forward to it" he said and came too close to me and kiss my cheek it felt like old times when we were back in college and he use to do it whenever he saw me or said good-bye.

"I'll be waiting" and he left.


I check my emails and respond to the most important ones and go the grocery store to buy some ingredients I need to make lunch. I decided to walk to the grocery store because is not far from my house and it's time to get some exercise after all the time I spend in a coma my muscle were a bit stiff John recommended me to go for physical therapy but I refused. I enjoyed taking walk I can feel the wind start to pick as the fall was approaching and the leaves on the threes were starting to turn orange.

Once I get to the store I go to the meet section to buy chicken breaths I decided I'm going to make Mexican flautas. I enjoyed cooking most of the time when I cooked is ecause I have some people over at my house either they were friends visiting or Erick's colleagues he used to tell me I was the best home cook. as I wait for the person to get my order. I feel like someone is watching me.

I turn to look to the side and there are few people around the booth trying to get their order too. Ever since I was at the hospital and Calvin Balack visited me I was paranoid and the fact that I couldn't remember who he was and me was killing me. Maybe I did have amnesia I need to make an appointment with john to make everything is all right with me. The person assisting me with the chicken gave me my order and I continue to shop around for more ingredients. when I 'm done I pay for my groceries and start walking back to my house. but that feeling like someone is watching me doesn't leave my mind.

Once I reach my house I head for the kitchen, I start chopping some onions and green bell peppers with tomatoes. I set a pot to boil the chicken breasts and put them there. I bought the lettuce and wash it before I start chopping. I get a pan to fry the onions, the green peppers and tomatoes. with a little bit of olive oil. I check the chicken and see if they are ready to start shred it and mix it in the pan with the onions tomatoes and the green peppers.

I was pleased when the chicken was finished , now I just need to let it cool and I can start making the flautas. I chopped some lettuce and put in a bowl. I saw the time and it was barley eleven-thirty I was hoping Chris would show up by this time but he is still not here, so I decided to make a fruit salad for dessert and chocolate ship cookies because I know Chris loves them 

I heard my phone ringing, I stop what I was doing and look who it is Mrs. Lawrence

"Hello, Mrs. Lawrence how are you?"

"Hello Dhalia, darling I'm doing fine and you?"

"I'm good, cooking some Mexican food"

"Sounds delicious darling, save me some because your cooking is best your I'll be dropping by tomorrow to say good-bye. I decided I'm going to take a little vacation and I want to see you before I leave"

"Of course Mrs. Lawrence you know you can drop by anytime you want"

"Yes, thank and Dhalia please call me Diane.  Mrs. Lawrence makes me feel so old"

"But it feels weird to call you Diane, I'm just so use to call you Mrs. Lawrence"

"I know dear, any way I need to go I have to take care of some things before my trip. I'll see you tomorrow darling to make sure you're doing okay and are eating properly"

" Alright I'll see you tomorrow Diane" I said with a smile.

I continue doing what I was doing before and chopped the fruit, made the mix for the cookies and put them in the oven and set the timer and when I was finished I went to the living room and turn on the T.V


I was getting anxious Chris was not here and I completely forgot to ask for his number. Maybe he wasn't coming or he was really busy in the office. I try to not think about it much.

the doorbell sounds and I get up from the couch I was sitting in and went to open the door. And there he was Chris holding a bouquet of orchids my favorite flowers.

"Sorry I'm late there were some issues with the paper work but it's all good now" he say and gives me a kiss on the cheek and hands me the flowers. And got inside

"So, the bouquet of flowers is your apology for being late?"

"No, I know you like orchids and I saw them on my way here."

"Thank you" And I went to the kitchen and put the flowers in a vase and set them in the dinner table .

"So, we're having Mexican food?"

"I thought you would like it and I made you chocolate chip cookies too"

"Dhalia, you're the best!" he said smiling.

"Well, thank you. Erick always says I'm the best home cook" I fell silent after that. Remembering Erick was still painful. I have no idea how could I function well when I knew he was gone and just to think about it makes my heart ache. I wanted to cry every time I thought about him but I need to be strong.

" And you are. I know that for a fact. Remember while we were in college you would cook for us and every time I would get burn trying to help you?"

"And I would always clean your wounds"

"And now I'm going to return the favor"

"But I don't have any wounds Chris"

"Yes, you do" he got closer and he look me in the eye "I'm going to heal the wounds in your heart, I promise"

my heart broke when he said that, because I knew I had my best-friend back and this time he wasn't going to disappear. Tear start to roll down my cheeks and Chris hug me tide comforting me. And in that moment I knew I was going to be just fine.


Thank you for reading. Please Vote and Comment it motivates me to write.

Sorry for any mistakes.

I'm not a cook but someone from Mexico taught me howto do this dish flautas are delicious!!!

Picture credits: to elite daily. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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