7)New Beginning

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After a few days I got all of my CT scans and X-Rays results back and John decided that I could go home. Now I'm finally been discharged from the Hospital. I'm so glad about going home.

I was packing my brown bag, when I heard the door of my room open and I see Miranda.

"Good morning Dill, are you excited to go home?" she asks

"Of course, I want to go out and feel the radiant sun because my skin looks like white paper. And I want to eat steak"

"I can arrange that, by the way I took the liberty of going to your house and clean it. and I brought your car to take your stuff and flowers."

"Thank you, and yes I'll take some of the flowers not all of them because I don't think they will fit in the car. I think my room has become a flower shop"

"Well, now you know who cares about you, and who doesn't." she says

"True, people I thought cared about me didn't even call me to check on me, I don't want to sound like a needy person but if I care for someone I would at least call them. it's not that hard to pick up the phone and call someone and other people surprised me sending flowers and 'Get well soon' cards"

"Let's forget about that and plan what are we going to do today?"

"That's funny, that just remained me of Phineas and Ferb"

"You and your cartoon shows."

"Miranda, like you don't still watch Scooby doo"

" Shhh, Dhalia that's our secret. You're not suppose to tell anyone" she says and puts her finger to lips motioning to be quite.

"I haven't reveal your secret to anyone miranda, I promise" I said and finished putting all of my clothes in the brown bag and zip it. "I'm ready"

"Great, let me help you with your luggage"

"No, Miranda it's fine I can do it, beside I feel useless because all the nurses and specially Emily don't let me do anything please just let me do this"

"Dhalia, we just want you to get better you have fracture ribs and a leg"

"But I'm healing now, and I want to start doing things by my self now. So please let me"

"Alright, but don't be complaining if your ribs hurt later on"

"I won't Miranda, I promise"

"Alright, let's go eat"

Miranda drove us to the steak house, but as usual we were stuck in New York traffic. About thirty minutes later we were sitting in a table waiting for our food.

"I'm so hungry" I said

"Me too, I could probably eat the whole cow, if they don't bring our food soon. but while we wait, I completely forgot about this" Miranda says and starts digging something on her white handbag. And takes out a stacks of cards.  

"What is this?"

"Someone send all of these cards with a bouquets of flowers almost everyday while you were at the hospital" she says "I bet it was one of your many admires"

I took the stack of the cards and there were probably more than hundred cards. I took one and opened. 

Hello, beautiful I hope you're feeling better -C.B

I hope you wake up soon. -C.B

Hope you like white roses. Get well soon. -C.B

Almost all the cards I read said the same thing wishing me to get better soon. And I opened about twentieth of them but one of the cards that got my attention was a silver envelop that stood out from the rest. I took it and open it. 

I heard about you accident I'm really sorry I can't be there to comfort you. Maybe I'm the last person you want to heard from but you're always in my heart and mind. I'll come to New York soon. Hopefully we can meet. But for right now get better and see you soon -With love, Chris

"So, who are they from?" Miranda asked.

"Well, I'm pretty sure this one is from my best friend from college Chris, I haven't seem him in a long time." I show her the card "As for the rest of them, I have no idea who send them"

"That's nice of Chris to send you flowers. He's so gorgeous. But what happened that you broke contact with him"

"I don't know actually, I still wonder what happened after graduation he just disappeared. I know he had planned to go to England but that all I know he didn't even said good-bye"

 "Maybe he had something very important and he didn't have time" she offers

"Maybe, he's very dear to me until this day"

Finally the food arrived and I devour my steak. Hospital food is just not good as this new york steak.

 Hospital food is just not good as this new york steak

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"So, what you say if after this we go to the salon?" 

"Yes, I need a hair cut as soon as possible" I said " the other day I saw how my hair looks like a gardener gave a hair cut" 

"Is not that bad actually, but you will look like a goddess after we hit the salon"

I need to focus on my life and move forward. just like my mother used to tell me 'you can do anything, if you stay strong' and that's exactly what  I was going to do.


Thank you for reading.     

Picture credit to: NHtrib.

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