11) The Movie

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Dhalia's pov

after the fiasco over dinner we decided to come to my house it was a colony style house previously owned by my late parents. after everything that had happened I wanted to spend as much time with Chris as I could, fearing he would just disappeared like he had on graduation day. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I kept looking for him just to find out he had left without saying good-bye to me, his best friend. I didn't heard from him for years, until recently.

"What are you thinking about?"

"About graduation day Chris, the day you just disappeared without a trace. Why didn't you said good-bye? I was your best friend. We were supposed to meet and celebrate. I kept waiting for you and you never showed up. I look for you and your friends had told me you left for the airport just after graduation. why?" I told him.

"You wouldn't understand if I told you"

"What happened did I do something to upset you? I kept thinking about everything and the only thing that I could possibly find was the kiss, did that upset you so much that you needed to leave?"

"Dhalia, that kiss was the best kiss I ever had, the reason I left doesn't matter anymore. all I care is getting you back" He said with a smile that reach his eyes.

"Well, I'm here and you better not disappear again Chris or I'll never forgive you"

" I don't plan on going anywhere" he said caressing my cheek "Are you okay now or are you still a bit drunk?"

"No, I'm sober " I said laughing. "Come on let's get inside" we got out of the car and Chris being the gentleman he is, opened the door for me and we got inside the house. we both sat in the living room

"you want something?" I asked.

"No, I'm fine but you should drink some water"

"No, I told you I was sober. want to watch a movie?" I was aware of everything I was not drunk anymore. standing up and going to where the DVDs were and pulling my favorite movie without him looking which one it was.

"Okay, but I'm not watching Sixteen Candles again"

"How you know?" I asked surprised. Turning around with the movie in my hand.

"I remember, is your favorite movie and every time you said 'let's watch a movie' we would end up watching Sixteen Candles"

"You remember?"

" Dhalia Of course I remember, I remember everything about you" he said coming closer to stand in front of me looking into my eyes. I could feel everything slowing down maybe I was drunk? because I felt the desire to kiss Chris.

He must have noticed because he gazed my lips. and I step closer to him he was taller than I remember, and he took one more step until pressing himself against me and I felt my knee getting weak so I grad him arms to support myself. he lean further and whisper.

"You're drunk, aren't you?" his voice was low and husky.

"No, not at all" I reply.

"You must be, and is why I have the feeling that you want to kiss me? or is just my imagination?'

"Are you teasing me, Mr. Blanchett?"

"Are you drunk?" he asked me.

" I already told no, I'm completely sober"

"I think you're drunk, so let's get you to bed."

"Chris no, I'm sober and I do want to kiss you" and before he could answer I tip-toe and crush my lips against his.

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