1) The News

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Dhalia's POV

Walking out the big conference room I make my way to my office and studio design when  I heard

"Congratulation Dhalia. Opening another store in France is quite the accomplishment. I'm sure your parents would have been proud of you"  the tall skinny girl said fixing her chestnut hair and green skirt

"Thank you Miranda"

"So are we going to the new store anytime soon?" her black eyes lock with my hazel ones

"No" I answer

"Are you denying your best friend the opportunity to go to Paris,France? and see French babes? I mean Are we going to go and  see how everything is going over-there? " she asks

"Well I'm sure you mean a business trip right?"

"Yes of course"

"Well not anytime soon you need to help me finish my wedding dress, I'm going to get marry  in less than a month. I promise that I'll even pay you and that new boyfriend of your what's his name again?" 

"Antoine" she answers

"A trip for two weeks but please help me because those rhinestone are taking longer than I expect and now that I'll have to make some alteration to the dress" 

"And why is that?" 

"Come on I'll tell you inside my office" I said and open the door to my office/studio design, the light  from the sun passing  through  the french white windows makes it the color of the walls look so orange and I walk over to my large white desk where the white envelop sits and I hand it to Miranda.

"What is this?" she ask 

"see for your self"

it takes a minute for me to cover my ears because of the scream and sounds she's making and that makes me smile 

"ooh my, ooh my...you're"

"Pregnant.yes I'm eight week along, which is two months along but you can't tell anyone yet so please keep it a secret" I said

"Oooh so this means I'm going to be an aunt?"

"Yes, Miranda you're going to be an aunt" and before I'm finish with my sentence she comes and hugs me 

"Come on we have to get your dress fix" she says pulling me to the other side of my office/studio where a mannequin hold my white dress and veil.

"Come on we have to get your dress fix" she says pulling me to the other side of my office/studio where a mannequin hold my white dress and veil

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"So I think you should lose a bit from the waist and that way your belly would have room. And then we can finish the sew the simulate petals to the tail of the dress. Have you tell Erick about the news yet?"

"No, he's coming back the day after tomorrow from his business trip I'll tell him then"

"sounds good, so let's get to work" she says 

After two hours of working and discussing some wedding details Miranda breaks the silent 

"Since you haven't feed me I'm going for lunch are you coming Dhalia?" 

"No, I'll go in  a bit" I answer 

"Okay but please do eat okay?"

"Okay" I answer and she leaves 

"Dhalia look who's here" says and I turned around to see my handsome fiance standing in the door way, smiling at me his piercing blue eyes lock with my hazel one.

"Hey you're not suppose to look at my dress is bad luck" I said turning around to cover my dress when I feel two strong arms in my waist that pull me to his hard chest and his lips at the at the base of my neck leaving a trail of kisses, making me shiver with his hot breath 

"Hello gorgeous, I miss you, did you miss me?" he asks 

"Not really can you stop doing that, I need to talk to you" I say now turning to face him but he still kisses my neck 

 "Doing what?"

"Kissing me please, I need to talk to you it's important"

"Okay what is it?" he asks 

"Okay but please don't be mad at me I don't know  how say this I'm preg....."

"Yes.."he says and kisses me "You're pregnant, right? I knew it I'm going to be a Father"

 "What? you idiot!  how you know?" I say pushing him away 

"Come on babe, we been dating since college, and we're been engaged for more than a year now and we're getting marry soon why wait? I know I love you, you love me and I can't wait to have more kids with you"

" I'm so mad at you. I'm calling off the wedding" I said in a serious tone and his eyes widen

"No, please babe, I love you please forgive me" he say worried laced in his voice and hugs me. And after a few minutes of silent and just starring at him, I can't hold my laughter anymore and he just stares at me

"Very funny Dhalia you almost gave me a heart attack"

"Well that's what you get from been a selfish, sneaky,..."

"Terrible handsome guy I know love, now come on we're going to celebrate, How about that sea food restaurant you like?" he asks smiling knowing I can't say no to him. 


  I'm sorry for any mistakes and if you did like it please comment and vote 

Image credits : getty Image, Michael Blann 

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