6) stranger

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Dhalia's POV

Another day in these four grey walls. I really want to go to my house and just go out side. Summer is  almost here and I just want to feel the sun in my pale skin. After three days of waking up, I was ready to get out.

I was recovering fairly well. All the wires in my chest have been removed. The only thing attached to my body was an IV line in my left arm. And some bandages in my right leg, because my bones were still healing.

I see the familiar face of my lovely middle age nurse, Emily "Good morning Dhalia, how you feeling?" she asks.

"I feel good" which is partially true "I'm just tired of been here"

"Well then, how about we go for a walk? And stretch those legs" she asks 

"Really? We could go out for a walk?"

"Just around the hallways dear, right after I check your vitals" Emily says. "You're recovering, surprisingly fast Dhalia. You'll be out in no time"

"I hope so"


Walking in circles of the empty hallways with Emily, seem odd to me

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Walking in circles of the empty hallways with Emily, seem odd to me. "Emily, why are these hallways so empty?" I asked.

"This is the private wing of the Hospital dear "

"I'm getting tired already, Emily" I start to whine.

"But you have to get your strength back, you were in a coma state for two months, that weaken your muscles and walking will help regain that strength"

"Okay, okay I'll keep walking." I'm too busy talking with Emily that I don't notice. I ran into someone. I starred at the tall men, with olive skin, black hair and golden eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't look where I was going."

"Its okay..... Dhalia?" He mysteriously gazes at me.

"I'm sorry, how you know my name?" I asked confused. I'm sure I never seen this men before.

"I'm Calvin Balack. We meet at the Pacific Paradise. You're Erick's cousin or at least that what he said when he introduced us"

I don't remember this, men probably he's mistaking me for someone.

"No sorry, I don't remember. And I don't have any cousins named Erick" I tell.

"So you don't know Erick Lawrence? I guess I should have known he was lying, he's  a playboy after all, he even got my sister pregnant and he just  disappear."

What is he talking? Erick would never cheat on me. He loved me. Who the heck is this guy? All of these questions pop in my head.

"Erick Lawrence, he was my fiance. You must be mistaking him for someone else"

"No, I don't think so Dhalia"

This is impossible, I know Erick would never cheat on me. But I can be wrong too. Maybe he had a secret identity. But he's not here to explain. My chest contracts. I feel nauseous and tears starting to form in my eyes. I feel like the room is suddenly spinning.  Disappointment invades my heart.

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