10) Dinner-Part 2-

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 Dhalia's POV

Standing in front of us, was the last man I wanted to see. Calvin Balack, the last time I saw him in was in the hospital and he got me very upset. And now he was here in the same restaurant we were in, is he stalking me? is the first thought that comes to my mind.

"Mr. Blanchett and Ms. Breeze nice seeing you here."

"Mr.Balack, what a surprise, I certainly didn't expect to see you here" Chris said.

"I had a business dinner here and saw you, and though I would say hi" Calvin replied. " Ms. Breeze it's lovely to see in such better condition now"

The way he speaks and the way he cautiously starred at me, send red flags in my mind. Why would this man I have never knew of until recently be so interested in my health?

"Uh, yes thank you Mr. Balack, I'm so much better now"

"Well, I hope I didn't interrupt your date Mr. Blanchett" The man say.

"It's not an inconvenience at all and the night is still young. Dhalia and I just got here and hopefully we won't have more interruptions" Chris politely says but I can tell he is bother just like I with the presence of this man.

"Well, I'll take my leave and Mr. Blanchett it's was nice seeing you and hopefully we'll be seeing each other soon at the environmental conference in the Hampton's next month. Have a goodnight" he said charmingly but his eyes reveled fury which was estrange

Calvin turned to me he took my left hand and kissed it and look me in the eye and said "Ms. Breeze is always a pleasure to see such beauty"

Just like that he left our table.

"You know that men?" I asked Chris.

"He is trying to partner up with me, in this environmental project I'm working on but he isn't qualified enough to work with me" he states

" What does it takes to work with you" I asked while drinking my glass of wine.

"Well, for starters your company have to have a clean record and no illegal activities"

"So he is involved in illegal activities?" I asked shocked and took another sip of my wine.

"That's what the background check said, I mean I like to know more than just the superficial part of someone's company. I had some of my people investigating all of his business and it turned out of his establishment has an underground gambling place"

"He's a white collar business man?"

"Its seem like it. And I personally don't want to get involve in some scandal that could affect the business I have work so hard for." Chris said.

"I have a bad feeling about him. He came and visited me while I was at the hospital. I just find it kind of suspicious considering I don't remember ever meeting him. He said he was friends with Erick but I don't recall him talking about Calvin ever"

"Did you experience some kind of amnesia?"

"Yes, my doctor said that due to my head injury I could experience amnesia, but I remember everything else. I just don't remember the accident. I only remember been in a car with Erick and that's it I don't remember how it happens or when it happened"

"But you're Doing okay now?" He asks and I know he's concern about my health.

"Yes, Chris I'm all good now but let's talks about something else. so Are you married, engaged or dating?"

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