2) The Accident

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Dhalia's POV

we got in Erick's white Audi, two doors convertible car. And he drive to the restaurant.

"Baby I'm so happy, I knew you were pregnant before I left but I was hoping for a confirmation, why you didn't tell me sooner?"

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"Baby I'm so happy, I knew you were pregnant before I left but I was hoping for a confirmation, why you didn't tell me sooner?"

"Well,  it never occurred to me that I was pregnant, since we were taking precautions. But you sneaky bas..." I critically starred at him. 

"Like I said before, why wait? We're going to get marry soon. And my mother said she wanted grandchildren" he says

"You could have ask me first, but instead I went to the doctor and when he gave me the results I almost had a heart attack. I thought you were going to be mad or something" I said

"Why would you think that?" One of his hands reached my belly. " I thought you would be happy a little person, the proof of our love was here." He says caressing my belly.

"I don't know, it probably just the hormones like the doctor said I would probably be moody, its different for everyone"

"Well in that case I know how to take care of that little problem" his hands starting to move to my thighs.

His touch send chills down in my spine. It was so gentle almost as if he didn't wanted to hurt me or touch me. I just lay back on the seat and closing my eyes enjoying his touch.

"Get comfortable my love, we would be in the restaurant in 20 minutes, by the way when are you going to start showing?"

"In a few weeks maybe, it depends how  well the baby it developing." Well at least that's what the doctor said when I had asking him.

I guessed I must have dozed off because the next thing I know, I being tapped in my shoulder.

"Dhalia, my love wake up, come on we're here . Wake up" I heard Erick's voice then I feel his lips on my neck . "Baby come on, I'm hungry and you must be hungry too"

"Ok , get off me then, you're crushing me"

"I'm sorry are you okay?" He asked worried lace in his voice.

"Yes, I'm fine come on" I take his hands and start walking to the entrance of the restaurant.

"Hi , welcome to the Pacific paradise, how many" the hosts says when we step inside the restaurant.

"Table for two" answers Erick. And we walked towards a table near the window and took a seat there.

"Here are the menus"

"No it's fine we want the Pacific lobster, please"

"would you like house wine too Sir?" The waiter asked

"No my wife is pregnant, two Arnold Palmer would be fine"

"Congratulations Sir and your order should be out soon and if you need anything else let me know and your meal enjoy"

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