5)The wait

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Chris's POV

It's been two months, since I had a proper night of sleep. All mind goes back to it's Dhalia and her accident. I can just make a call and find out how she's doing. But there's a part of me that doesn't want to do it. I get up from my bed and walk to the window, enjoying the view of London at night, from my penthouse.

 I get up from my bed and walk to the window, enjoying the view of London at night, from my penthouse

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It been five years since I last saw, her face, her hazel eyes, her smile and her red velvet hair.

Five years since Erick, threatened me to stay away from her. Five years since I cowardly return to England. And work my ass off to achieve all I have now, hoping to go back to New York and fight for Dhalia.

I know that somewhere in, her heart she feels something for me. If only that day could have been different. My mind goes back to that day.


It's was a lovely afternoon in the campus of NYU ( New York University).  The hot sun radiating,  Dhalia and I laying on the grass.

"Chris, we're going to graduate soon , you're going back to England?" She asked.

"Technically, that's the plan. Why you're asking?" Curiosity builded inside me.

"You're my best friend. I care about you and if you go back I not going to see you anymore....and I know I'm being Selfish but.... I don't want you to go back." Her last words were a whisper.


"No Chris I'm sorry, I know how you feel about me. And saying this it's probably making me sound like a bitch considering that I have a boyfriend but .... I can't help it" she said and sited up looking down at her hands.

"You could always break up with him, and give us a try."

"It's not simple, Erick is the first boyfriend I have ever have. But I'm confused now, you're so sweet, caring, kind and funny. And when I had needed you been there for me. I have to idea what's going on with Erick. Hes been acting up. Pushing me away but yet telling he loves me. And you and I have grown even closer..... I just want..."

"I  have always made my intentions clear with you. Dhalia you made a way into my heart like no other. And I want you and ...."

I didn't finish when I feel her lips on mine. They were soft, and gentle. I didn't waste time to kiss her back. It was, what been waiting for. Her hands goes to my chest, and I placed my hands on her waist and out breathing becomes uneven. But everything goes quickly. But she pulled away.

When I open my eyes, she leaving. I go after her and I feel someone pull me back, and I turned around to see who it was but their fits made contact with my face.

"You, stay away from Dhalia, or else I make sure you regret"

"What are you going to do Erick?" I asked challenging him.

"You don't know what I'm capable of. I know you have family back in England. You don't want something  to happen to them right"

"Don't even bring my family into this. This between you and me."

"Them you will stay away from Dhalia, guys teach him a little lesson, and don't touch the face, you have to tell Dhalia goodbye anyway"

Just them I noticed three other guy coming my way.

End of flashback

Just by remembering, the anger fills my mind. I go down stairs and go to my gym.

Put my boxing gloves and start punching.

I have trained over the years in self defense, never will someone beat me up without getting the chance to defend my self

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I have trained over the years in self defense, never will someone beat me up without getting the chance to defend my self. After two hours I made my decision.

It's time to go back to New York.


Sorry for any mistakes.

Thank you to all the people who has been reading, I really appreciate it.

Next chapter it's going to be longer I promise.

Picture Credits to: 123RF and London's view blog.lexus.co.uk

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