3 years later
I'm blasted back and land on my back completely crushing Frigga roses. I groan as I push myself up on my elbows. I look around until I find Loki laughing at me from 10 feet away. I stand and straighten my tunic. "I slipped." I say as I move my hair from my face.
He laughs louder as he says, "oh. You slipped as I blasted you on to your backside."
"no I was already slipping when you decided to cheat and blast me." I go back to my spot and say, "again."
Loki cocks his head to the side and says, "maybe we should call it a night. your head is obviously somewhere else."
"It is not. I am ready. let go." I tell him as I get into my fighting stance.
"You have not been able to make not one fire ball since we started. I don't know what is going on with you but tonight is not your night." Loki turns to walk away when I astral project in front of him. he stops and turns. He give me a devilish smile and before I could turn to defend myself two of him has popped up and were holding me in place. each had my arm and was pining to a tree. Loki walks over to me and says, "Hmm what do I do with you, now that I have you right where I want you."
I pout and say, "no fair."
He chuckles and his other selves disappear. He offers to walk me to my room, and I tell him no thank you.
"Calida, don't be angry." He says as I stomp through the palace. He trails a couple of feet behind.
"I am not angry. You cheat." I say over my shoulder.
He runs to catch up and whispers, "the days you use your fire power and beat me, I don't throw a fit like a child..."
I stop and push him in his chest and say, "I am not a child."
He grabs my wrist and pulls me close to him and says, "I never said you were a child. I said you were acting like one."
I lose myself for a second as my hand rest on his hard chest. Over the past few years I watch Loki changes from a scrawny boy to a lean muscular man. he wasn't as big as Thor, but he did not have to be. I've seen him train shirtless enough times to know he has an amazing body. the other girls have noticed as well. He has wasted no time getting to know the ladies within and outside the palace. Too many times I've walked in on him and one of his companions, as he calls them.
I remove my hand from his grip as I continue stomping my way back to my room. Loki follows closely behind me and when we reach my room, he steps in front of me before I can go in and slam the door in his face. I huff and say, "what?"
"stop acting like a brat and talk to me."
"your being childish." He says sounding irritated now.
I kick him and he falls to the ground. I step over him into my room and close my door. I walk into my bathroom and run myself a bubble bath. I get undressed and slip into a robe when I hear a knock at the door. I go to open it and roll my eyes when I see its Loki. "why are you still here?"
"you owe me an apology." He says as he barges in past me. I close the door and say, "I am about to bathe, put on that silly little dress your mother left me and go to dinner. So please leave." I gesture towards the door, but he does not go. Instead he lays down in my bed.
I huff, "Fine, I apologize your highness."
He smiles at me and says, "was that so hard?"
"yes. Now go." I point to the door.

FanfictionCali is a goddess, who was "murdered" by Odin. only to find herself abandoned on Midgard and adopted by the starks; she thought maybe she could change her prophecy by becoming a superhero. Only to be betrayed by the very same superheroes who once we...