Chapter 16 Bucky Pov
It's almost midnight, and I cant stop tossing and turning. During the meeting this afternoon, maria showed up with instructions to have Cali ready to go by 8am tomorrow morning. since no one else bothers to ask, I ask her what will happen to Cali? she says she will be charged with a crime and go before council. She will be charged for trafficking, soliciting sex, theft, murder of the 1st degree, attempted murder, and conspiracy. Then she will be taken to the raft. I can't believe Steve is allowing Tony to do this. I try to plead her case one last time to maria, but she said it was out of her hands.
At least she had the decency to look remorseful. When I tried to appeal to Tony, he completely shut me out and told me this was a family matter and made it very clear, I was not family. in the end, Steve said, this is for the best, so she can get the help that she needs.
I stormed out of the meeting and spent all day in the training room ignoring everyone that tried to come in and talk to me. I even gave Steve back the key. Unable to face her, I didn't feel worthy of bringing her dinner.
As I continue to lie awake staring blankly at the ceiling, I wonder if they've told her. Tony is such a douchebag ; he probably will wait until the very last minute to tell her. I cant let that happen. So, I get up and I slip on a t shirt. I walk to Steves door and knock softly. by the third time he answers looking disheveled. He takes one good look at me and then turns slightly towards his dresser, pick up the key to Cali's cell and hands it to me.
Grateful he doesn't make a big deal out of it; I turn and take the back stairs down 3 levels. As my bare feet slap against the cold cement floor, I cant help but think, with all the money Stark has and waste on a daily basis, he could at least invest in carpeting back here.
By the time I reach the level where Cali is being held, I am tense and very jittery. I yank the door open a little too rough, causing it to bag against the wall. when I walk into view, I can see I've frightened her. she is sitting up in her bed, looking alarmed. This is not the face of a mastermind criminal Fury is making her out to be.
I try to look away from her as I walk over to where the cell door is, but I cant. something in her sad eyes makes me want to tear down these walls and just hold her. but for right now I will just settle for using this key to open the door and simply walk in.
She follows me with her eyes, watching my every move. when I enter the cell, she looks me up and down, starting at my bare feet and all then all the way back up to my face. I wait for her to say something mean, funny, witty, anything. I wait for the girl everyone makes her out to be, I wait for the killer to burn me where I stand. But all I see is a scared girl.
For a few moments we just watch each other and wait for the other to make a move. then I see it, she thought I was fury coming to get her. she knows.
When her face falls and I see the tears begin to fall, which could be relief with a mixture of fear, I close the gap between us, and I climb into bed next to her and wrap her in my arms as she begins to cry. I hold her tightly to me as she grips my t-shirt in her fist and bury her face in my chest. for the next hour, I listen to her whimper and silent cries. And when she falls asleep, I can a slight wheezing at the back of her throat probably due to being zapped nonstop by stark.
I lift my metal arm, and I move her hair back from her face. I take in her lovely features, and I'm instantly entranced by her. I inhale the scent of her hair and even under the cheap soaps she has been using, I can still smell her sweet scent. My nose grazes her forehead lightly and she nuzzles in closer to me.
When I know she is back in a deep sleep, I place a finger under her chin and gently raise her head. I study her everything about her face and I fixate on the curve of her lips and the way her mouth parts to take in air into her lungs. Before I know it, I'm so close to her face, I'm breathing her air.

FanfictionCali is a goddess, who was "murdered" by Odin. only to find herself abandoned on Midgard and adopted by the starks; she thought maybe she could change her prophecy by becoming a superhero. Only to be betrayed by the very same superheroes who once we...