Chapter 12
When we arrive back at my apartment Kai begins his rampage. I sit on one of the stools and watch him trash my place. he breaks all the dishes and knocks over furniture. Then I watch him tear through my bookshelf. My heart aches as I watch the only gift Howard has ever given me, torn to shreds.
When he finally tires himself out, I take him in my arms and I say, "we can get them back. and we will find a way to get that information. Okay?"
He nods and then he kisses me. the kiss is hard and I moan more from him hurting me, then pleasure. He shoves his tongue into tongue into my mouth as he unzips my dress.
He rest his head on mine and says, "IF you don't fix this, I will have to turn you over. I don't want to lose my goddess but its either you or me." the dress drops to the floor, and he guides me to my bed and lay me down gently as he says, "If I have to choose whether to save you or me. it will always be me."
I watch him undress and I resist the urge to kill him. that's not apart of my contract. So I lay here, and I take it.
Over the next few days, Kai avoids answering his phone, while we come up with another plan. I find out through the grapevine that Tony is celebrating, the avengers anniversary party. so we decided to crash. Soon we had a plan and the next time Kais people called, we were able to give them an explanation and a new plan.
We told them that the avengers got in the way, but we were able to acquire an invite to their anniversary party. Once were in, we will hack their system and see what we can find. This wont help the people I'm working for. But it will keep Kai off the hit list for now since I need him in order to gain my freedom.
Kai and a small team that he was able to acquire head straight to the lab. Then when their done, they are to set up explosives to end the night with a bang. Steve was so smug, thinking I wouldn't hurt them. he's in for a rude awakening.
I put on a gold cocktail dress. something cute and attention grabbing. I am once again the distraction. I smile when I realize I still have access to the tower. Once I get off the elevator. I tell kai and his buddies where to go while I keep the avengers entertained.
As I walk though, I grab an entire tray of champagne. I drink all six glasses and once I reach the edge of the dancefloor, I hand the tray off to a server. Another server walks by and I grab another fresh glass as I watch Tony, Steve, Nat, and the entire team, old and new, sit in VIP on the other side of the dancefloor drinking, laughing, and having a good time.
I sip my champagne and stare daggers at them, until they finally notice me. my smile widens as theirs fall from their faces. Tony and Loki knows me best. So they warn the rest of the team to keep their distance.
I grab another glass off a passing tray, and I raise my glass in a toast to them now that they've realized I'm here. I swallow it and then hand the empty glass to a server. I hit the dancefloor and dance among the crowd. I dance with everyone and no one. I know they are watching me closely, waiting for me to make my move, because I'm here for a reason. And it's not to celebrate the avengers.
I enjoy myself as I give Kai a chance to do what he does best. Once I see him move into place, on the balcony. The avengers are so focused on me. they don't even realize that Kai is 10 feet to their left, just above their head.
the rest of Kai's men get into position, and I stop dancing. As another server walks by, I grab another glass of Champagne, and I turn to look at Tony and his avengers. Then I raise a glass to toast my real friends, the men strategically setup to attack them. the avengers follow my eyesight. a few moves to suit up and attack but tony and Steve gestures for them not to move. still convinced I wouldn't hurt them or these innocent guest on the dancefloor.
then, I raise my glass to toast my baby, Kai. I smile as I watch them realize that they are surrounded. Then I take a small sip to toast my mother, who probably wont approve of what I've turned into.
Then finally I toast to the avengers. Tony and I make eye contact for a second. I can feel him begging me not to do it. but I can't resist ruining a good party. he seemed like he was really enjoying himself too.
I drop the glass of champagne, and I watch is shatter on the floor. that was Kai's signal.
Explosions erupt from every corner of the room and inside the lab causing all kinds of alarms to go off. I create a ring f fire and a fire dome around the guest as the fire from the explosion starts to get out of control.
as the avengers finally suit up, I make a run for it.
Bucky Pov
Its been an hour and they are able to put the fire from the explosion out, but the fire dome Cali created around the guests is still going. I'm horrified at the screams coming from inside. the rest of the team either went after Cali or is on damage control. the explosions caused by that psycho Kai, resulted in a few people getting hurt.
Steve, Tony, Loki, and I stand around and wait. Some screams grows louder as other die down. I shake my head. unable to believe she would do this. apart of me is sad, that I was wrong about her. after the fight at the tower, I thought I saw something in her. I thought apart of her wanted to come back. maybe she was good and was just trapped in a bad situation. But now I'm convinced, she is pure evil. how could she set innocents on fire?
Loki looks around at the damage Cali has caused and says, "what could've possibly turned her to do this." he still refuses to believe she is capable of evil.
Finally the fire begins to die down and dissolve into smoke and that's when we realize, the guest are okay. Not one hair out of place. Loki steps forward and sticks his hand in what was left of the fire dome, and he say, "Its not hot."
I cant help the smile that spreads across my face. she was protecting them.

FanfictionCali is a goddess, who was "murdered" by Odin. only to find herself abandoned on Midgard and adopted by the starks; she thought maybe she could change her prophecy by becoming a superhero. Only to be betrayed by the very same superheroes who once we...