Chapter 5

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The day unfolded in its usual rhythm, a sequence of classes, hallway encounters, and the ever-present murmur of teenage life at Westbridge High. But for Grace and Elliot, that morning's brief yet electric exchange lingered like a half-remembered dream, coloring the rest of their day with an undercurrent of tension and anticipation.

By the time the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Grace felt a strange mix of relief and exhaustion. She'd spent the rest of the day trying to push thoughts of Elliot out of her mind, burying herself in her work and the familiar comfort of her friends. But it hadn't been enough. He was there, in the back of her mind, like a stubborn shadow that refused to fade.

As she made her way to her locker, the hallways were already starting to empty out, students eager to escape the confines of school and embrace the freedom of the afternoon. Grace didn't have any plans, save for going home and diving into her homework, but she found herself moving a little slower than usual, her mind still preoccupied.

When she reached her locker, she was surprised to find Clara and Emma waiting for her, their expressions a mix of excitement and impatience.

"There you are!" Clara exclaimed, her eyes bright with enthusiasm. "We've been looking for you everywhere!"

Grace frowned slightly, confused. "Is something wrong?"

"Wrong? No," Emma said with a grin. "But we do have something planned, and you're coming with us."

Grace blinked, caught off guard by their sudden insistence. "What are you talking about?"

Clara rolled her eyes, clearly exasperated. "There's this new café that just opened up downtown, and we've decided we need a study break. You're always talking about how important it is to take breaks, so we're making sure you actually do."

Grace hesitated, her first instinct to refuse. She had so much to do, and the thought of spending the afternoon out when she could be getting ahead on her assignments felt almost reckless. But the look on her friends' faces—so full of determination and genuine care—made her pause.

"I don't know," Grace started, but Emma cut her off.

"No arguments. We're not taking no for an answer. Come on, it'll be fun! And we promise, we won't keep you out too long."

Clara nodded eagerly, linking her arm through Grace's. "It'll be good for you. You deserve a break."

Grace sighed, knowing she was outnumbered. "Fine," she relented, a small smile tugging at her lips. "But just for a little while."

"Deal!" Clara said, already pulling her toward the exit. Emma followed close behind, a triumphant grin on her face.

As they left the school and headed for Clara's car, Grace felt a small sense of relief. Maybe this was exactly what she needed—a chance to unwind and clear her head, even if just for a couple of hours.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the school, Elliot was leaning against the wall near the parking lot, his mind elsewhere as Adam and the rest of their friends gathered around, discussing their plans for the weekend. The usual banter and laughter flowed easily, but Elliot found himself only half-listening, his thoughts drifting back to Grace.

He hadn't expected their brief exchange in the hallway to leave such an impression on him, but it had. There was something about her that intrigued him, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. She was so different from the girls he usually hung out with—so focused, so composed. And yet, there was a spark beneath the surface, a hint of fire that he found impossible to ignore.

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