Chapter 3

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The cafeteria at Westbridge High was a sprawling, chaotic hub of activity. Long tables stretched across the vast room, filled with students engaged in a variety of lunchtime rituals. Some scarfed down their meals quickly, eager to move on to whatever awaited them next, while others lingered, drawing out the break as long as possible. The smell of pizza, fries, and something unidentifiable wafted through the air, mingling with the cacophony of voices, laughter, and the occasional shout.

Grace, Clara, and Emma navigated the crowded space with practiced ease, their trays balanced carefully in their hands as they made their way to their usual spot near the windows. The large panes of glass overlooked the school's courtyard, where a few students had braved the chilly autumn air to eat outside. The girls slid into their seats, the familiar view and the comfort of routine settling around them like a warm blanket.

"So, what's the plan for the weekend?" Clara asked, breaking open her carton of milk with a pop. "I'm thinking we need a break from all this studying. Maybe a movie night?"

"I'm down," Emma replied, poking at her salad with a fork. "As long as it's not another rom-com. I'm still recovering from the last one you made us watch."

Clara gasped dramatically, her hand flying to her chest. "How can you say that? 'Love at First Bite' is a classic! It has everything—a quirky heroine, a brooding vampire love interest, and an epic dance-off at the prom. What's not to love?"

Grace chuckled, shaking her head at her friends' banter. She appreciated these moments, the easy camaraderie and the sense of normalcy they brought. It was a welcome contrast to the underlying tension she'd been feeling all day, a tension she was still trying to make sense of.

"I'm good with whatever you guys want to watch," Grace said, taking a sip of her water. "I could use a night to just relax and not think about school for a bit."

"Then it's settled," Clara declared with a satisfied nod. "Movie night at my place, with all the snacks you can handle. And I promise, Emma, no vampires this time."

Emma smirked, finally taking a bite of her salad. "Deal."

As they ate, Grace found her attention drifting to the other side of the cafeteria. There, at a table near the back, sat Elliot Hayes and his group of friends. They occupied the space with a kind of casual dominance, their presence commanding attention without even trying. Elliot was at the center, leaning back in his chair with an air of indifference as he listened to something Adam was saying.

Grace wasn't the only one watching. She noticed the way other students stole glances in their direction, the mix of admiration, curiosity, and fear that followed Elliot wherever he went. Even the teachers seemed to give him a wide berth, as if they weren't quite sure how to handle him. It was strange, Grace thought, how someone could be so magnetic and yet so untouchable at the same time.

"What are you staring at?" Clara's voice pulled Grace from her thoughts.

Grace blinked, realizing she'd been caught. "Oh, nothing. Just...people-watching."

Clara followed her gaze, her eyes landing on Elliot and his friends. "Ah, the resident bad boys of Westbridge. They're like something out of a teen drama, aren't they? All they need is a soundtrack and some dramatic lighting."

Emma rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in her expression. "Please, they're just a bunch of guys who think they're cooler than everyone else because they ride motorcycles and skip class. It's all just an act."

"Maybe," Clara said, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "But you have to admit, it's a pretty good act. They've got the whole school talking about them, and they don't even have to try."

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