Chapter 19

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Tuesday morning dawned with a crisp, clear sky, the sun casting a warm golden light over the town. As students filed into the school, the usual chatter filled the halls, but for Elliot, the day felt different—charged with an undercurrent of something he couldn't quite name. The lingering pain from his bruises had dulled to a manageable throb, but his thoughts were consumed by the prospect of seeing Grace again.

He hadn't expected her to text him last night, to send another message of encouragement that left him with a warmth in his chest he couldn't shake. There was something about Grace—her kindness, her unwavering support—that made him feel less like the damaged person he saw in the mirror each morning. And today, that feeling was a lifeline.

As he walked through the bustling corridors, his thoughts drifted to the plan they had made the day before: they would sit together at lunch. It seemed like a small thing, but for Elliot, it felt monumental. He wasn't used to being in the spotlight, and he knew that sitting with Grace, a girl so well-liked and popular, would draw attention.

He spotted Grace by her locker, her blonde hair catching the light as she chatted with one of her friends. She saw him approaching and her face lit up with that smile that never failed to make his heart race. The sight of her was enough to ease some of his anxiety, even as a small part of him still worried about the attention they'd get.

"Morning, Elliot," Grace greeted him warmly, closing her locker and turning to face him fully. "Ready for today?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," he replied with a hint of a smile. "How about you?"

Grace nodded, her eyes scanning his face as if making sure he was really okay. "I'm good. I was thinking about our plan for lunch—are you still up for it?"

Elliot hesitated, just for a moment, before nodding. "Yeah, I'm in. Let's do it."

"Great," Grace said, her enthusiasm infectious. "I want you to meet my friends. They've been curious about you."

Elliot raised an eyebrow, unsure if that was a good thing or not. "Curious, huh?"

Grace laughed softly, the sound a welcome contrast to the usual noise of the school. "In a good way, I promise. They've heard me talk about you, so naturally, they want to meet you."

Elliot felt a mixture of embarrassment and gratitude at her words. The idea that Grace had been talking about him to her friends was both surprising and a little intimidating, but he trusted her. And if meeting her friends was part of building whatever this connection between them was, then he was willing to give it a shot.

The morning classes passed slowly, each one dragging as Elliot's anticipation for lunch grew. When the bell finally rang, signaling the start of lunch, he made his way to the cafeteria with a mix of nerves and excitement. As he entered, he could already feel the eyes on him, curious gazes from students who had noticed him spending time with Grace.

Grace was waiting for him at the entrance, a warm smile on her face that eased some of his tension. "Come on," she said, linking her arm with his in a casual, friendly gesture that felt surprisingly comfortable. "Let's go find my friends."

They walked together to the table where Grace's friends were seated. The table was already half-full, a group of girls and a few guys talking and laughing, their conversation pausing when they noticed Grace approaching with Elliot.

"Hey, guys," Grace said cheerfully as they reached the table. "This is Elliot. I've been telling you about him."

Elliot felt the weight of their eyes on him, a mixture of curiosity and surprise in their expressions. He gave a small, awkward wave. "Uh, hey."

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