Chapter 35

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Grace stood frozen near the park bench, watching Elliot's silhouette shrink into the distance, as if he were fading into the twilight itself. She stood there long after he had vanished, the cold autumn air biting at her skin, yet she couldn't bring herself to move. The conversation they had just shared echoed in her mind like a haunting refrain, one that would not release her from its grip. The weight of what she had learned was crushing, suffocating. She had confronted him, asked the questions she feared, but the answers she received felt like hollow shadows, failing to make sense of the storm raging in her heart.

Her chest tightened, and for the first time since they met, Grace wasn't sure where she stood with Elliot. She wasn't sure where she stood with herself. She had told herself she could forgive him—that people could change—but hearing the truth from his own lips made everything too real. And now, Madison's revelations swirled like a whirlpool around her, dragging her deeper into an abyss of confusion.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, jolting her back to the present. She didn't want to look, not now, but the nagging thought that it could be Madison, or worse, her mother, forced her hand. She pulled the phone out and glanced at the screen.

Madison: We need to talk. Meet me at my house. It's important.

Grace's stomach clenched into a tight knot. It wasn't over. Of course it wasn't over. Nothing about this situation felt resolved, and now Madison was dragging her deeper into the murky waters of Elliot's past. Grace's heart ached at the thought of going through it all again, but Madison wouldn't have texted unless it was serious. A chill ran down Grace's spine. What could Madison possibly have left to say? Could things really get any worse?

With a weary sigh, Grace began walking toward Madison's house, her feet moving automatically along the familiar streets. The leaves on the trees rustled above her, the vibrant oranges and yellows now muted in the dimming light. She felt a sharp pang of nostalgia for the days before everything had spiraled out of control—before she had fallen so hard for Elliot and before the secrets began unraveling their fragile connection.


The outside of Madison's house was quiet when Grace arrived, the only sign of life the faint glow of a lamp from inside the living room. The front door was slightly ajar, just enough for Grace to sense that something was off. An ominous feeling settled in her stomach as she stood at the threshold.

"Madison?" she called out softly, stepping inside and letting the door creak shut behind her.

"In here," came Madison's voice, faint but clear, from the living room.

Grace followed the voice, her footsteps slow and hesitant as she moved through the dimly lit hallway. A chill hung in the air, not just from the cooling evening, but from the tension that seemed to coil in the house itself. When Grace entered the living room, she found Madison sitting on the couch, her knees drawn to her chest and her arms wrapped tightly around them. She was staring blankly at the floor, her face pale and drawn, her eyes swollen from what looked like hours of crying.

Grace hesitated by the doorway, her heart heavy with dread. "Madison?" she whispered, stepping cautiously into the room. "What's going on?"

Madison's eyes flicked up to meet Grace's, her expression weary and haunted. "You need to know the truth about Elliot," she said, her voice brittle, almost hollow. "The whole truth."

Grace felt her pulse quicken. She had already heard more than she wanted to know. What else could there possibly be? She took a seat on the edge of the couch, her muscles tense, bracing herself for the next blow. Madison had something more to say—something worse.

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