Chapter 12

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 Friday morning dawned with a crisp, autumn chill in the air. The golden leaves swirled around the parking lot, carried by the brisk wind as students piled into Westbridge High, their chatter filling the air with a familiar hum of anticipation for the weekend. Grace stood by her locker, adjusting the straps on her backpack as she mentally prepared for the day ahead. Her mind kept circling back to Elliot, replaying their recent interactions. Each encounter had left her with more questions than answers, but also with a sense of connection she hadn't anticipated. It wasn't just the thrill of crossing paths with someone so different from herself—it was the way his vulnerability, hidden beneath layers of defiance, mirrored something within her own heart. She had always been the good girl, the one who followed the rules and stayed out of trouble. But Elliot stirred something in her, a curiosity and a longing to understand the person behind the reputation. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that her feelings were more complicated than she had initially thought. They weren't just friendly concern, and they weren't simple attraction either. They were something deeper, something that made her chest tighten with a mix of anxiety and excitement every time she saw him.

As she closed her locker, she caught sight of Clara and Emma walking down the hall towards her, their faces bright with the usual energy that came from the prospect of the weekend.

"Hey, Grace!" Clara called out, her voice cutting through the morning buzz. "Ready for another thrilling day at Westbridge High?"

Grace smiled at her friend's playful sarcasm. "As ready as I'll ever be. What's on the agenda today?"

"Same old, same old," Emma replied, shrugging. "But there's been some interesting chatter going around about Elliot. Did you hear about the fight that almost happened yesterday?"

Grace nodded, her expression becoming more serious. "Yeah, I heard. I'm just glad it didn't escalate. Kyle was really pushing him."

Clara sighed, shaking her head. "That guy just doesn't know when to quit. He's always looking for trouble. But it sounds like Elliot handled it pretty well, all things considered."

Grace felt a warm flush of pride. "Yeah, he did. I think he's trying to change, even if it's hard for him."

Emma smiled knowingly. "That's good. He's lucky to have you in his corner, Grace."

Grace felt a twinge of embarrassment at Emma's words, but she didn't deny it. Instead, she changed the subject. "So, what's everyone doing this weekend?"

Clara's eyes lit up. "I was thinking we could have another movie night at my place tomorrow. What do you guys think?"

Grace and Emma exchanged glances, both of them nodding in agreement. "Sounds like a plan," Emma said. "We can pick out a few good movies after school today."

"Perfect," Clara said, grinning. "It'll be a great way to unwind after this crazy week."

As they walked to their first class together, Grace felt a sense of contentment settle over her. She was grateful for her friends, for the support and normalcy they brought into her life. And even though her thoughts kept drifting back to Elliot, she knew she needed to focus on the present, on the moments she was sharing with the people who had always been there for her.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the school, Elliot was having a very different kind of morning. He had arrived earlier than usual, needing time to clear his head before facing the day. The encounter with Kyle the previous afternoon had left him feeling raw and unsettled, but the memory of his conversation with Grace had been a balm for his frayed nerves. He wasn't used to letting people in, but something about Grace made it easier. She didn't push, didn't judge—she just listened, and that was more than anyone else had ever done for him.

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