Chapter 11

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The rest of the week dragged on with an almost unbearable slowness. Each day, Grace felt the same mix of nervousness and determination. Her conversation with Elliot lingered in her mind, replaying in a loop as she tried to dissect every word, every subtle shift in his demeanor. She wanted to help him, to show him that he didn't have to carry his burdens alone. But she also knew that earning his trust wouldn't happen overnight. It would take time, patience, and a lot of careful steps forward.

Thursday morning dawned with a heavy mist hanging over Westbridge, the school's brick walls barely visible through the fog. Grace arrived early, as was her habit, the hallways mostly empty save for a few early birds and the janitor making his rounds. The school felt quieter than usual, as if it were holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.

As she walked towards her locker, her thoughts were still on Elliot. Their brief encounter in the hallway the other day had left her with more questions than answers. She could see that he was struggling, but there was so much she didn't know—about his past, about what had led him to become so closed off and angry. She felt a growing need to understand him, to peel back the layers and find the real person beneath the tough exterior.

Her locker was at the far end of the hall, near a set of windows that looked out onto the foggy parking lot. As she opened it, the clattering of metal echoed faintly in the empty corridor. She was just about to pull out her books when she heard footsteps approaching. They were slow, deliberate, and the sound made her heart skip a beat.

Turning slightly, Grace saw Elliot walking towards her. He was alone, his usual group of friends nowhere in sight. There was a brooding intensity in his expression, his dark hair slightly disheveled as if he hadn't bothered to fix it after rolling out of bed. He looked like he hadn't slept much, the shadows under his eyes darker than usual, but there was a purpose in his stride that caught her attention.

"Morning," he said, his voice rough but not unfriendly.

Grace offered him a small smile, though she could feel her nerves bubbling just beneath the surface. "Morning. You're here early."

Elliot shrugged, leaning against the locker next to hers. "Couldn't sleep, so I figured I might as well get to school early. It's quieter in the mornings."

Grace nodded, understanding the unspoken meaning behind his words. She often found solace in the quiet too, especially when her mind was racing with thoughts she couldn't quite control. For a moment, they stood in a comfortable silence, the usual awkwardness of the hallway absent in the early hour.

"I've been thinking," Elliot said suddenly, breaking the silence. "About what you said the other day."

Grace turned to him, her expression curious. "Yeah?"

He hesitated, his eyes dropping to the floor for a moment before meeting hers again. "I don't usually talk to people about...stuff. But maybe you're right. Maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing to let someone in."

The vulnerability in his voice tugged at Grace's heart. It wasn't an apology, but it was close enough. "You don't have to say anything you're not ready to," she replied gently. "Just know that I'm here. Whenever you're ready."

Elliot nodded, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "I appreciate that, Grace. Really."

Before she could respond, the first few students of the day began trickling into the hallway, their voices breaking the spell of quiet that had surrounded them. Elliot straightened up, his expression hardening again as the world intruded on their moment of connection.

"I guess we should get to class," he said, his tone shifting back to something more guarded.

"Yeah, I guess so," Grace agreed, though she wished they could have had more time.

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