Chapter 17

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Next day after the operation, Gahyun still hadn't woken up. Which was expected, her body needing as much rest as it can get at this moment. It was good that there were no more complications, and she was getting better steadily.

That morning, Yoohyeon found herself spending her whole break standing in front of the glass, watching unconscious Gahyun and her balanced breathing.

The last thing she heard yesterday before getting into a long meeting with her mentor was that there were complications during the operation. Meaning she spent that entire meeting not knowing if Gahyun had made it.

To see her here now was a huge relief and it only made her existing fascination for Siyeon even bigger. Once again, that woman had saved a life.

She didn't realize she was no longer all alone until she felt a faint touch on her shoulder, making her let out a small gasp until she turned around and saw Minji, standing right beside her.

"Again?" The chief asked with a soft smile. Now that she thought about it, this was becoming a trend. Putting her hand on the younger woman's shoulder, Yoohyeon getting startled... that was the start of most of their meetings. The last time, it was the other way around, too, so she had both of them to blame. "How are you holding up?"

Yoohyeon glanced back at the young girl, "I'm glad she's okay" She replied genuinely, before returning the question. "What about you?"

"I agree with you, I'm glad she's okay" The brief time where she had been the main surgeon connected to Gahyun still left a huge impact on her. "And I'm incredibly proud to have a surgeon like Siyeon in here." As the chief of a hospital where such a difficult operation succeeded, what else could she be other than proud?

The intern smiled, nodding her head. "She is the best, yes" Yoohyeon was also happy that she had an opportunity to work beside Siyeon, a surgeon with such talent. She could only hope she would be able to learn many things from her in the future.

As she talked, Minji took the time to observe Yoohyeon's mannerisms. She looked a lot calmer now that this operation had passed. "Do you still suffer from stress?" It's not because it showed visually that it wasn't present.

Yoohyeon thought about that only after she was asked, "Actually... not as much," She realized, turning to the chief with a smile. Minji was probably one of the biggest reasons why that was her answer. "Thank you for asking"

"Of course;" It was a normal thing to ask... if she would also ask that to other interns or give them as much guidance as with Yoohyeon.

But that obviouslywasn't exactly the case, right?

"I hope you take these last few days with you as a learning experience." Stress needed to be managed. And times at a hospital could be heavy.

The brunette nodded her head, watching the older woman in sudden interest. Before thinking too much about it, she asked "I'm guessing you had many times where you learnt how to deal with it... The stress, I mean" She said, trying not to sound too nosey.

Minji was surprised by the question, not thinking Yoohyeon would dare to ask something like that. The girl was always a bit reserved around her which was to be expected. "More than I would like to admit. My first internship was at the emergency department." If there was ever a place to get used to thinking fast and dealing with stress, it was there.

It was suddenly all interesting, really. Yoohyeon wanted to know so many things about the woman, how she began with her internship, what did she do even before that, or how did she become the chief of such a huge hospital at such a young age. But would it be appropriate to ask? Yoohyeon didn't know. So, all she did was watch Minji in the expectation of her continuing talking, maybe telling her a little more about that subject.

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