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The backroom James led us to was unlike anything I'd ever seen at The Fox. I couldn't believe he'd never mentioned this before. It was a private chamber and it had a strange atmosphere with its deep red accents, big black leather sofas, a sparking diamond chandelier hanging low, and Asian paintings on the walls. I wonder how many shady deals were made in this room.

As we all sat down, I couldn't stop staring at Astrix's neck tattoo. I have seen many neon tattoos, but this one was changing colors every few seconds. Cool as hell, but a bit distracting. I wondered what it meant, or if it had any deeper significance. Just as I was getting lost in the patterns, Astrix broke the silence.

"It came to my attention, Mr. Donovan, that you know someone I'm looking for. I know you have connection to many influential people who are... hard to reach."

James, leaning back against the sofa, gave a brief, unamused chuckle.

"Knew. I knew many people. I am out of the business."

An awkward pause hung in the air, thick and tense. Astrix didn't flinch, simply watching James with that unreadable expression.

"That's a shame. Is there any way I could change your mind?"

James leaned forward slightly, narrowing his eyes.

"You tell me. Why should I help you, what's in it for me?"

A sly smile crept onto Astrix's lips. "Hmm, I see. A man who likes to negotiate. What if I told you," he paused, as if weighing his next words carefully, "that if you set up this meeting with the person of interest, and the deal goes through... I could offer you a gift. One of great value. Something that could change your life forever."

I glanced at James, wondering what he was thinking. The intensity in the room had shifted, and I could tell this "gift" wasn't something ordinary.

"I already have everything I need."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Pretty much."

"How about switch No. 2?" Both mine and James' eyes grew big like in a cartoon movie.

"Are you kidding me man?! Seriously? Who wouldn't want a switch? Holy Christ. I could live a carefree life for the rest of my life." James was a bit too excited. Astrix displayed a pleased smile. James quickly noticed he was a bit overboard and his facial expression got serious again.

"Okay, let's say the price for a successful deal is switch No. 2. And who would this person in question be"?

"Tanaka Shiburri", Astrix replied. James sat back, rubbing his forehead in frustration, clearly taken aback by Astrix's request.

Fuck. Even I knew who Tanaka Shiburri was. Everyone who was anyone in the underground scene knew how impossible it was to reach him.

Tanaka was the head of an underground network called "the Disciples". He and his men were the place to turn to if you wanted any illegal substance - not just drugs, but also rare chemicals, metals and materials needed in bioengineering and construction. Tanaka was very secluded, only made deals with a few chosen people or corporations. He was the only one who could get you anything you wanted. That's what made this whole deal so hard.

James needed a few moments to compose himself.

"Tanaka Shiburri?" James repeated, shaking his head slightly. "You can't be serious."

Astrix didn't flinch. "I am. And as you already know, Mr. Donovan, he's the only one capable of delivering what I need."

James let out a long breath, his excitement from earlier drained away. "Even if I still had some of those old connections—which I don't—getting to Tanaka is like trying to shake hands with a ghost. He doesn't just meet people.

Astrix leaned forward, his eyes gleaming under the dim light of the chandelier. "That's where you come in. You've got the credibility. The history. You can make it happen." His voice remained calm, but there was an edge, a quiet intensity, that made it clear this wasn't just a casual request.

I could see the temptation flicker across James' face, and even in my own mind, the thought of such security was overwhelming. But it wasn't just the offer that was troubling - it was what it would take to get there. Tanaka Shiburri wasn't just some underground dealer. He was dangerous, and getting involved with him... well, that could open doors that were best left closed.

"Do I need to know anything else?" James asked, still skeptical.

"The substance I'm looking for is Uranium."

James burst into hysterical laughter. "Jesus Christ, man! Not only you want to meet Tanaka Shiburri, but the thing you're looking for is Uranium?! You do know that since the stuff that went down in 2024, radioactive Uranium is almost impossible to find?"

"Of course I know that. That's why I came to you. Your good relations to the Disciples will get me what I want. Money is not a problem."

I couldn't help but wonder what he needs the Uranium for.

James scratched his forehead, looked Astrix in eyes and gave him a handshake.

"I will do my best. See ya, man."

Astrix gave a curt nod, shook James' hand, and walked out, leaving the room heavy with unspoken questions.

As we finally got into the Youber and drove away from the city lights, neither of us felt drunk anymore. James was lost in his thoughts and didn't say much. The car stopped in front of my apartment building, and as I was getting out, I leaned toward the half-open window.

"I hope you know what you're getting yourself into, James" I said, my voice heavy with concern.

"YOLO my dude! Hahaha",he replied, rolling the window as the car drove away into the night.

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