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Time was somehow flying by really fast. Me and Marysa were getting along, although she had some flaws I began to notice as she moved in. She canceled her apartment and stayed with me and Carl full-time. My two-bedroom apartment was small but sufficient for two humans and two cats. Rebecca and James were planning their wedding, which was to take place in about a year at the beach. I was, of course, the best man and Marysa was Rebecca's maid of honor, we were both involved in the preparations. Neo's experiments with the Uranium were faltering at the beginning, but after a few tries, he managed to discover the right amount of all elements to make it work. It took about a year to produce the first batch of Uransene. Since the Uranium was limited, the fuel was sold to only a few selected companies or individuals who were able to afford it. Tanaka and David became quite the business partners, and the Uransene brought both parties a huge amount of money. The good reputation of Space Riders grew even more, of course.

The MSS vehicles were produced at high-speed, and I was able to use the very first one to take a small trip to the Moon. Everything went smoothly. The first Moon colonies were still in their early stages, and the people had already begun building communities. Me and mother were finally able to visit Uncle Warren on Mars, where the situation was similar. The mobile space station looked like a huge car from the outside, but once you got in, the interior became much bigger, like entering an apartment. It had all the amenities you needed for a longer journey, and it was very modern and spacious. Only the best technicians and researchers from Space Riders worked on this project. I was the team leader and very proud of what we have achieved. Of course, I received a raise, so perhaps a bigger apartment would be in order. I sometimes wish Grace and Joanna could see in what direction the world is evolving and what my life is becoming. I often wonder how our life would look like today if they were still in it.

Once a year, there was a lottery organized by Orvis in which millions of people participated. You could win one of the switches or all three of them as the main prize. Me and Marysa were passing by the Kiosk when I decided to register for the lottery. Marysa was hesitant at first, but I told her that I never win anything, so she agreed. A few weeks after the lottery was over, on a Friday afternoon while I was working from home, two men dressed in black suits came knocking at my door. One of them began speaking.

"Mr. Marcus Alaric Davis?" How does he know my middle name?

"Uhm, yes, how can I help you?"

"We are from the company Orvis and are happy to inform you that you won the main prize at our annual lottery, all three switches. Congratulations!" I wasn't quite sure if they were bots or humans.

"Is this a joke?"

"No sir, I assure you this is real. You have one year time to implant the switch. All the necessary information will be sent to your VOXX. Do you have any questions?"

"Ah, uhm, no, I don't know. Thank you?"

"Have a great day, sir. Goodbye."

Once again, I was left baffled on my doorstep. Did I really just win the thing that could possibly let me live forever? I still couldn't comprehend what was happening. I registered us both for the lottery, and I won. I need to call Marysa her right now! Or better yet, I will tell her in person when she gets home. I wonder who won the main prize... I've always thought of Orvis and the whole switch thing as a bit bizarre and dystopian. But when I think of having one or more of them myself...

Marysa came home around 4 PM, and I prepared a small apéro to celebrate. She was surprised as she entered the apartment.

"Hey babe, what's all this? What are we celebrating?" She smiled and gave me a kiss.

"Brace yourself, Marysa, I have some big news!"

"Oh really, what?"

"I won the main prize at the annual lottery of Orvis! The one I registered us for a couple a weeks ago!"

She looked at me in disbelief, and her face expression changed.

"What, really?! Are you joking?"

"No, some guys came to the apartment earlier to tell me. I have one year to get the switch."

"Wow that is huge... And are you going to?"

"Of course! What kind of question is that?" At times, I wasn't really subtle and couldn't read Marysa's gesture very well.

"Well, congratulations then..."

"Wait, you don't seem happy about this? Would you like the switch since we registered together, right?"

"No, it's not about that! I would never want it, like I told you on our first date. It's just...You will always look like this, with a life full of endless possibilities, and you will have the time to do everything you ever wanted. And I will get old and turn into dust eventually..."

I hadn't really thought about any of this. The news was still overwhelming. I took her into my arms.

"Oh babe, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. We have plenty of time before either of us turns into dust. Let's just enjoy our evening. We can talk about this some other time."

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