Chapter 20

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Gerard left his house quietly as not to disturb anyone. He walked towards the bridge he always sat under. It was a very calming place for him. Tears streamed silently down his cheeks. He stared down at his old shoes at each step until he arrived. He jogged to get under as quickly as possible.

He sat down in his usual spot and put his head between his knees. Tears rolled down faster now, he had no control of them. His pocket knife sat uncomfortably in his front right pocket. It whispered his name. No, no, don't do it. Not again. Come on, stupid! Don't even try. He tried to convince himself not to take the knife to his arm. You dumb fuck, quit reaching for it. Stop! What the hell? Are you slow or something? The self-hate built up inside him and demanded to be released. Without thinking, he turned and punched the concrete wall with full force. He did it again. And again. Until he bled and he was sure he had broken a finger.

He leaned the side of his head against the wall and shut his eyes. He was emotionally and physically exhausted, yet he still cried.

"Gerard!" His eyes opened. "Oh my God, come here!" Frank ran at full speed towards him and wrapped him tightly in a hug. "Are you okay? Please talk to me, baby. Please."

Gerard hesitated. "I... I'm okay now..." He was lost in thought. "I feel okay. But don't go. 'Cause I still need you right now."

Frank looked at him. "What happened to your... Gerard! There's blood on the walls and your hand is smashed all up." He held up Gerard's hand to examine it. It was bloody and bruised and his ring finger was bent awkwardly. Frank sighed. "Well, I guess you could've done worse. Let's go take care of that." He helped Gerard to his feet and wrapped his arms around him.

"I love you so much. Don't ever forget that." They started walking in the direction of Frank's house. "Why are you so worked up?" He asked.

Gerard wiped tears off of his face with his bad hand, leaving blood on his cheek. "I just... I hate this. I don't want this anymore, I just want to be happy again, Mikey isn't even happy anymore, I don't know what to do." He sniffled. He pulled Frank closer to him. "I don't even know. My grades are shit, Frank. I'm going to fail. Then what?" He rambled for a while more.

"You just need to calm down right now. We'll figure this out later. Together."

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