Chapter 4: Arabell In Boston

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Mother and I walked far out. Even farther then when we did training. She took me to the edge. "Arabell, if anyone asks your age, say you are twenty-three." 

"I will Mother."

I stood at the edge and Mother said, "Remember Arabell, I will always love you." Mother explained to me on the way here what I had to do. I took one last look at Mother than, jumped. I turned on my back while I was falling so I could catch every last glimpse of the clouds I used to live in. I sure will miss it. But I can't wait to live in Boston. The pressure from falling pounds inside my ears. It hurts my chest. I'm getting closer to Boston, but all I see is a field of pink flowers. Mother must have made me fall where no one would see me.

Finally, I land. I hit the ground so hard I can't breath for a few seconds. My knees hurt. But I know I have to get up and start toward Boston. So that's exactly what I do.

Finally, after walking for what seems like days, I reach Boston. Car horns are honking, music is playing, and  people are everywhere. I start to wander the streets then saw the swan rides. I get on and luckily there is a ride that is free. Whatever that means. I take my seat, then a woman with brown hair down to her mid-back, and hazel eyes says, "Hi. May I sit here?"


Before the ride even starts, the woman says to me, "I'm Cassidy." And offers her hand to me. I've seen people do this before, they shake hands when they meet each other. 

I hesitate but still shake her hand and manage to say, "Hi, I'm Arabell, and I'm new here. Could you show me around."

"I'd love to!" Cassidy said in an excited voice.

"How about when this is done, we go shopping."

"Sure, that sounds like fun."

"Arabell, where did you get your dress? I love it."

"I don't remember. I think I got it for Christmas." I don't even know what Christmas is. I just knew it was something people in Boston celebrate and give things to each other.

When the swan ride is over, Cassidy takes me shopping to a clothing store. "Did you bring any clothes with?" 


"Well then we need to get you some clothes girl. Oh, how about this one." Cassidy shows me a blue summer dress that touches my feet. I try it on and it fits perfectly. Then, I try on a dress shirt that is pink and has flowers on it. I also get a pair of capris. After a long two hours of clothe shopping, my stomach feels empty. Is this why people eat? "Do you want to get pizza for supper?" Cassidy asked.

"Sure." I have no idea what food tastes like so I guess I'll be surprised. When we get to the pizza shop, we sit down and Cassidy asks what kind of pizza I want.

"I don't know."

"Okay. Let's get Hawaiian. It has pineapple and Canadian bacon on it. 

"That's sounds really good. Let's get it." After about ten minutes, the pizza came. I took a bite and it was the best thing I've ever tasted. It's the only thing I've ever tasted. The pizza was so delicious that I had four pieces. 

After supper, Cassidy asks, "What hotel are you staying at?" 

"I'm not staying at one."

"How about you stay at my place tonight."

"Thank you so much. I don't know where I would've stayed." We walk to Cassidy's house because it isn't very far from where we have been shopping. Her house is white and very tall. It's big for only one person. When we get inside Cassidy shows me where I'll be sleeping. She give me a pair of her pajamas to wear since we forgot to buy some today. 

When I get in bed, I think about Mother and who is now watching over Boston. I drift off pretty fast and when I get up the clock reads 9:00 a.m. I decided to go downstairs. I smelt something amazing. When I go in the kitchen to see what Cassidy is doing. "Morning. You like bacon?"

"Ohhh it smells wonderful." The bacon is the next best thing I have eaten. Why couldn't we eat food in the clouds. 

"Cassidy, could I get a job?"

"I thought you were just visiting."

"Um no. I moved here and I want to start paying for things myself so you don't have to."

"Where are you thinking about working?"

"I want to work with children somewhere."

"How about a daycare."

"Yeah, a daycare."

"I have a friend who owns a daycare. I could talk to her about it."

"Thanks Cassidy." When we finish eating, I change into my blue dress and finish getting reading. When I go downstairs, Cassidy tells me that we are going to go to the daycare to see if I can get a job there.

When we get there, I talk to the lady that works there. It turns out her name is Mary and she is very nice. Mary lets me work there. I get paid seven dollars an hour which should be enough to start paying for a few things on my own. 

I get to start working at daycare tomorrow. I can't wait. That night I make sure to go to bed at 8:30 because I have to start work at 7:00. Tomorrow is going to be the best day of my life in Boston.

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