19|| dinner

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Isy eventually drifted into a deep sleep, completely worn out from the long and exhausting day. Her breath softened into a steady rhythm, and her body relaxed into the warmth of the bed. Adele, lying beside her, could feel the tension in Isy's muscles gradually release. She watched Isy for a moment, a tender smile playing on her lips as she admired how peaceful she looked while sleeping.

After a few minutes, Adele carefully slipped out of bed, making sure not to disturb Isy. She gently pulled the blanket up to Isy's shoulders, tucking her in with care. Isy murmured something in her sleep but didn't wake up. Adele leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Isy's forehead. "Sleep well, my love," she whispered, her voice full of affection.

Feeling inspired to do something special, Adele quietly made her way to the kitchen. Cooking had always been one of her greatest passions, and tonight, she wanted to create something extraordinary for Isy. She began preparing a meal, choosing Isy's favorite dishes and adding her own personal touches to each one. The kitchen soon filled with the rich aroma of sautéed vegetables, simmering sauces, and freshly baked bread.

As she cooked, Adele couldn't help but think about how much she cherished moments like these. The simple act of making dinner for someone she loved filled her with warmth. She decided to set the table with an extra touch of romance, placing candles in the center and dimming the lights to create a soft, inviting glow.

After nearly an hour of preparation, everything was ready. The table was beautifully set, and the food looked perfect, each dish arranged with the care and artistry of someone who truly loves to cook. Adele stood back for a moment, admiring the scene she had created, and then made her way back to the bedroom to wake Isy.

She knelt down beside the bed, brushing a few strands of hair away from Isy's face, and placed a series of gentle kisses along her cheek. Isy began to stir, her eyes fluttering open to the sight of Adele smiling down at her.

"Hey, sleepyhead," Adele whispered, her voice as soft as the candlelight that now bathed the room. "Dinner's ready. I made something special for us."

Isy blinked a few times, slowly coming out of her sleepy haze. She could smell the delicious food from the kitchen, and her mouth watered at the thought. "You didn't have to do all that," she said, her voice still groggy but filled with gratitude.

Adele smiled and shook her head. "I wanted to. You deserve it, especially after such a long day." She leaned down to kiss Isy again, this time on the lips, a kiss that was tender and full of love.

Isy smiled against Adele's lips before pulling back slightly. "You spoil me, you know that?"

"Only because I love you," Adele replied with a grin. "Now come on, before everything gets cold. I promise it'll be worth it."

With a gentle laugh, Isy finally sat up, and Adele took her hand, guiding her out of bed and toward the kitchen. As they walked into the dining room, Isy's eyes widened at the sight before her. The candlelit table, the beautifully arranged dishes, the warm, inviting atmosphere—it was perfect.

"Adele, this is amazing," Isy said, her voice filled with awe. She looked at Adele, her eyes shining with love and appreciation.

"I'm glad you think so," Adele responded, pulling out a chair for Isy. "Now, sit down and relax. Tonight is all about you."

Isy sat down, still marveling at everything Adele had done.

Every bite was a reminder of how well Adele knew Isy—her favorite flavors, the little details that made each dish feel like home. And as they shared this meal together, in the warm glow of the candlelight, it was clear that this wasn't just dinner. It was a celebration of their love, a moment they would both remember for a long time to come.

After dinner, Adele cleared the table, her mind already on how she could make the evening even more special for Isy. The day had been long and tiring for her, and Adele wanted nothing more than to help Isy unwind and feel cared for. With that thought, she quickly prepared a warm bath, adding fragrant lavender oil to the water and lighting a few candles around the bathroom to create a serene, calming atmosphere.

When Isy walked into the bathroom, she was taken aback by the effort Adele had put into making everything perfect. "Adele, this is beautiful," she said softly, her eyes shining with appreciation.

Adele smiled, feeling a warmth in her chest at seeing Isy's reaction. "I just wanted to do something special for you," she replied. "You deserve to relax after today."

As Isy began to undress, Adele turned to give her some privacy, but Isy reached out and gently caught her hand. "Wait," Isy said with a playful smile, "why don't you join me?"

Adele paused, looking at the tub and then back at Isy. "Isy, the tub isn't really big enough for both of us. I want you to have this time to yourself, to really relax," she said, her voice full of concern for Isy's well-being.

But Isy shook her head, still smiling. "Adele, I know this bath is for me, but everything is better when you're with me. You help me relax more than anything else. Why don't you sit in front of me? We can enjoy this together."

Adele hesitated, torn between wanting to give Isy the space to unwind and the deep desire to be close to her. "But I made this just for you," she said, her voice soft and a bit uncertain. "I want you to feel completely at ease."

Isy stepped closer, her eyes full of love and sincerity. "Adele," she said gently, "the most relaxing thing in the world is being close to you. You make everything better just by being there. Please, join me. I want to share this moment with you."

Adele's heart swelled with emotion. She saw the love in Isy's eyes and knew that this moment would be even more special if they shared it together. With a smile, she nodded. "Okay," she agreed, her voice warm with affection. "Let's enjoy this together."

They carefully stepped into the tub, figuring out how to fit in the cozy space. Adele settled in front of Isy, leaning back gently against her. The warm water embraced them, and Isy wrapped her arms around Adele, holding her close.

Isy began to gently pour warm water over Adele's back, her movements tender and soothing. "See?" Isy whispered softly in Adele's ear. "This is perfect."

Adele closed her eyes, a sense of peace washing over her as she felt Isy's gentle touch. "You're right," she murmured, her voice full of contentment. "This is more than perfect."

For a while, they simply sat there, enveloped in the warmth of the water and the love they felt for each other. The world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their quiet, intimate bubble. Adele felt completely at ease, more relaxed than she had been in a long time, knowing that she was sharing this moment with someone who meant everything to her.

After a while, Adele turned slightly to look back at Isy, her eyes filled with gratitude and love. "Thank you," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you for making everything feel so special."

Isy smiled, her heart overflowing with emotion. "Thank you," she replied, her voice tender and full of affection, "for being my peace, my comfort, my everything."

They stayed like that for what felt like hours, the warm water and their shared closeness wrapping them in a cocoon of love and tranquility. Every breath, every heartbeat, seemed to synchronize as they held each other close, the connection between them deepening with each passing moment. In that small, candlelit bathroom, nothing else mattered but the love they shared and the happiness they found in each other's presence.

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