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Running. It was easily the singular activity that Feimo excelled in. One foot forward, air in through the nose, next foot, then air out the mouth. All the while his heart pounded against his chest with enough ferocity that he feared it might shatter his ribs and make an escape of its own. It would have been quite fitting, he thought as he leapt over a tombstone and headed for the cemetery gate.

 He had looked back once after lunging through the window. St. Dismas was in tatters as his now open mouth resembled that of bucked teeth before being utterly pulverised into a colourful mist by La mort. A shrill cry ripped through the air as a small conglomerate of humans clad in black fled from two recently filled graves. Its bloodthirsty grimace cast over them for but a moment before shifting onto the interlopers. 

"Keep going, Feimo, you're almost there!" Robin exclaimed as she levitated beside him. Algie twittered in agreement as a bird. He didn't need telling twice. 

Spurred on by the gargoyle's gruff proclamations that he was a bad friend, he battled through the whipping rain biting his face and made it to the iron gate that separated the village from the church grounds. Beside him both the witch and the changeling ascended over the spiked fence, whilst he rattled desperately against the sturdy iron. Why wouldn't it open?

Chancing another glance behind, he saw La mort was charging directly at him, claws outstretched and ready to tear him apart. To hell with it. If he couldn't go through the gate like it was intended for, he would go over. Using the stone slabs which kept the iron bars in place and the church's wall, he jabbed his feet onto the flat surfaces and leapt over the fence with enough space for the spikes to scratch his back. With a splash, he landed on the muddy grass and breathed a sigh of relief as the gargoyle crashed into the gate with a dumbfounded look.

"You ok?" Algie asked from her perch in Robin's hair.

"Yeah, just wish that gate would'a opened. Honestly, why do you humans bother?"

"Wasn't talking about that, look at your arm." 

When he got up, he checked both arms and found a long cut running down his tricep. Blood, soothingly warm within the chilly storm, trickled down with a phantom pain. "Oh, I'll be fine," he said. He had no idea that he had hurt himself. It must have been from jumping out the window.

"Hey, what do you mean by us humans? We make perfectly sound stuff. Did you even try the latch?" The witch muttered indignantly.

"What latch?"

"Maybe we could have this talk somewhere else? Preferably before the big guy realises he has wings," Algie murmured.

At that, all heads turned back onto La mort, who's empty eyes regarded them with a level of curiosity, and before any of them could speak, his claw went down to the small latch on the gate and lifted it. As if to make a point, the rusty hinges shrieked as the iron barrier opened and a gruff laugh bellowed out of La mort's mouth, "Feimo dumb bad friend!"

"Ok, who's side are you on!" The demon complained whilst the witch sported a smug look. In a blink of an eye, the gargoyle dashed forwards and went to sink it's claws into his chest. Expecting the attack he ducked out of the way and while his tears shed in mourning of his long hair marred by the sticky mud, he kept it together to ask Robin if she wanted to give the monster a boost.

With a grin the witch uttered the magical words, "Maet tekcor gnitsalb ffo niaga," And like the powerful push from C'thelli's wings, a mighty wind slammed into La mort's back and propelled it into the village square. His snarling face crashed into the chiselled water fountain in front of the church's solemn doors and reduced it to rubble.

"Come on, home's just over yonder," the demon pointed over to the hill outside of town. The orphanage's silhouette was a comforting sight. Promising warmth by the fire, peace from the turmoil, and the devil's kind embrace. He only needed to get the girl's there and everything would be ok. At least he hoped.

C'thelli's Demonic Orphanage (Completed and Editing)Where stories live. Discover now