Model Job💃

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Part 2 of Friends Or Fear!!
Genre: Angst💔
I Don't Know What Au (Again)!!

Luke's POV🥁:
As the music fades out, me and the club all give our thankful waves for the applause and the singers of the group give a polite bow. As soon as the staff inform us that we can exit the stage, I practically leap off my stool. This performance was definitely my worst yet, I kept loosing focus and spacing out, resulting in me either hitting the wrong drum or simply missing the symbol all together. Luckily, I made up for my mistakes so they weren't painfully obvious, but it's clear all the club members noticed as they wouldn't stop shooting me worried glances. Of course, it wasn't just me who repeatedly screwed up, I heard Hailey's voice breaking at certain points from lack of focus. Zander's disappearance has taken its toll on all of us, but mainly me and Hailey as we had the closest bond with him. I'm the first to reach the backstage, frantically whipping out my phone and beginning to text Zander. Though, I mess up multiple times from my hands shaking, making my patience grow thin. I whack my hands on my jeans, attempting to stiffen them up. "Woah, hey, Luke!" I spin my head around to see Jake sprinting up to me, the others trailing closely behind. Hailey rests her hand on my shoulder, "What's wrong...? Why are you... abusing your hand like that?"I sigh, frustrated tears pushing their way into my eyes. "I'm trying to text Zander but my stupid hands won't stop shaking!" Sean walks in front of me, "Hey man, just calm down first. You've got yourself all worked up." I close my eyes and take a deep breath, but pause when I sense my phone slip out of my hand. My eyes flutter open to see Milly staring down at my phone, her hands braced to type. "Tell me what you want to say, I'll type it for you!" I smile gratefully at her, everyone's attention turning to me. I rub my neck awkwardly, my cheeks slightly flushing at the fact I have to say a heartfelt text out loud to people. "Um, just say something along the lines of, 'Where are you?' And, 'Everyone's worried about you, are you okay?'... you know...?" She nods, rabidly moving her fingers around on the keyboard. You can see the light bulb brighten across Hailey head, as she perks up with an idea. "I'll try to call him! Sean, you do the same." Sean nods as he walks to the corner of the room while the ringing noise gradually follows along side him. Hailey raises an eyebrow at Jake, "Jake, do you have Zander's number?" Jake hesitates for a moment, thinking back to all his contacts. "Hmm, I think so!" He retrieves his phone and copies Sean's actions, going to the opposite corner. Hailey softly smiles at me, "Don't worry, Luke. We'll get him back." I return her smile with a slightly broken one as she brings her phone to her ear. Suddenly, Milly shoves my phone in my face and I push her hand away so I can adjust my eyes to see what she sent Zander.

You: Hey, Zan? Everyone's worried about you, where are you??
You: Are you hurt?! Who was the visitor??
You: Please reply soon, we're all trying to contact you <3

I chuckle, taking my phone back and placing it in my pocket. "You play me very well, Mil! Even the heart on the end... wait, how do you know I send him those?" She gives me an unamused look, "Really? You're the one who starts all the sappy, lovey-dovey stuff in the group chat. You guys are such eyesores!" I sigh, light blush creeping onto my face. However, my attitude changes when Sean appears to hang up the phone, Jake simultaneously doing the same. Hailey begins tapping her foot on the ground anxiously, lying her phone back on a side table next to her. "No answer. Sean, Jake? What about you guys?" Sean just shakes his head, "Nope, just a voice mail." Jake sadly nods, "Same here." My heart seemingly beats faster, making my blood swish around my body quicker, resulting in my paranoia only spiralling. Milly tries to peak over my phone again, which is almost crushing under my grip. "Has he replied yet?" I vigorously shake my head, screwing up my hair in the process. "No! Even though he's not the quickest person to respond, he'd usually answer within a minute or two if he knows it's urgent! What if someone stole his phone?!" Hailey makes a point to jump in, "Hey, Luke, I'm sure everything will be fine! Maybe we can go ask around? See if anyone's seen him?" Milly groans, rolling her eyes. "No offence, Hale, but no one knows us around here. Rosemeadow is back seven hours away." Hailey just facepalms, "I was only trying to help!" Their bickering slowly becomes faint in my ears as a suffocating ringing fills my hearing, making me zone out. Sean notices my state and emerges my mind back to reality, "Luke? Are you okay...?" Hailey and Milly snap their heads towards me, forgetting about their previous fighting as they give me concerned looks. I strain a fake smile onto my face, "Oh yeah! I'm fine! Can you just... excuse me for a second...?" They all glance at each other, sharing a pitiful expression, before nodding at me as my cue to leave. As soon as the permission is granted, I fast walk out the exit, the same exit Zander went out. Once I shut the door behind me, the shivering breeze freezes my body, causing me to tense up. However, that's the least of my worries as the thought of Zander floods back to me. I sniff, bringing my hand up to my face. Suddenly, I feel a wet sensation collide with my finger, and I hover it back to eye level, staring at the tear roll down it. Huh. I didn't even realise I started crying. I rub my eyes with my sleeve, dampening it. I decide to sit on the little patch of pavement, bringing my legs up to my chest. I bury my head in my knees, beginning to silently sob into them. I attempt to calm myself, but fail as my positive thoughts are scarce. There's always the opportunity that Zander might return, but who knows where he even is, he might not be able to locate his way back. But the little hope inside me still glistens, a hope that he might come back soon...

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