Hand Holding🤝

53 6 4

Genre: Fluff💗

Zander's POV🎹:
I release a silent huff, glaring up at the class clock that torments me with every tick. The teacher prattles on about the lecture, my mind blocking all the information from entering it. This class should be my favourite, considering all the club members are sat around me on the seating plan, yet I can't bring myself to concentrate and engage. My brain snaps awake again when I hear the professor's overbearing voice, "Right, talk with the people near you about the current topic. You have five minutes and I'll be expecting some answers." Everyone begins to chat, crowding my ears with the sudden change in volume. Having not comprehended a word the teacher previously said, I don't bother to complete the task at hand, moving my gaze to stare at the boy next to me, Luke. I realise he's having a conversation with Hailey beside him, so I savour the opportunity to practically swoon over him like usual. Our everlasting friendship recently has had an awkward atmosphere to it, we can never hang out just the two of us without experiencing at least one tension-filled moment. Now, I'm not dense, I'm aware of why this happens. My idiotic crush on him has been ever so slowly destroying our bond, whenever he gets too close my reflex is to push him away. I just don't want him to notice my feelings, I'm not going to ruin our relationship over a pathetic crush. I know he doesn't like me back, I mean, why would he? But I still feel guilty when I neglect him for my own selfish needs, and I can tell I dampen his mood when I do. I sigh, deciding to not think about that situation right now. I give my attention back to him, taking note of his features. Whilst I simply admire his appearance, I sense a slight smile creep onto my face, which I surprisingly don't care to wipe away. However, the second I see Hailey wiggle her eyebrows at me and indicate she's going to begin a chat with Jake to give us some privacy, my lovesick smile fades, a rose coloured blush replacing it. I take a deep breath, attempting to dispose of my crimson complexion, swallowing a big gulp of air. Luckily, my breathing exercises did tone it down by a bit, I know this conclusion is correct as the heat I felt on my face has cooled down. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Luke copying my actions from before, his eyes stuck on my face, soft blush emerging on his cheeks. As soon as we make eye contact, his golden gaze widens, his blush becoming more obvious as he avoids glancing at me whatsoever. I raise an eyebrow, genuine bewilderment consuming me. I look down at the desk we share, observing his hand under it, which is planted at his side. I hesitate, going to war with my headspace. We haven't held hands in ages, ever since I took notice of this crush of mine, I never dared to initiate any form of contact. What if he realises I like him and never he wants to speak with me again?! I can imagine my expression will inform him of everything, my stupid blush will give it all away. But, then again, Luke isn't the type of person to do that, though there's still a chance he will. As I'm fighting with myself, I don't register my hand beginning to twitch, before reluctantly inching closer to his, and pausing for a moment. Suddenly, my hand latches onto his, making both of us tense up and snap our heads down to stare at the sudden warmth. My face heats up within seconds, and I instantly go to apologise, looking at his bright red face, our emotions appearing similar. "S-Sorry, I-" As I'm making up for my foolish decision, a mocking voice interrupts me. "Ugh, get a room you two. Honestly, you're such eyesores." I twist my head to the owner of the vibrant pink hair beside me, a teasing smirk playing on her lips. Sean, who's placed next to her, can't suppress his chuckle. "Milly, leave them be." She scoffs, "No! I think they should learn when and when not to display their affection." She stubbornly crosses her arms, my cheeks now burning, resulting in me looking like a flustered mess. "Shut up, Milly! F-Friends can hold hands!" I try to defend myself, but it comes out sounding more weak than anything from my stuttering. She rolls her eyes, "Yeah, but this is different. You guys like-" Sean slams his hand over her mouth, warning her not to continue her statement. She slaps his hand away, freeing her voice as she rambles on to him, the noise eventually vanishing as I bring myself back to the crisis with Luke. His eyes are still locked on our tightly fixed hands, blinking repeatedly as if to work out if he's dreaming or not. I awkwardly clear my throat, "Sorry, I-I had no clue what I was thinking..." I force out a slight laugh, trying to clear the thick tension built up around us. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything so... I-I'll just let go-" I cut myself off as I freeze when I feel Luke's grip on my hand tighten, stopping me from separating our touch. My eyes widen slightly, looking at his obnoxiously scarlet coloured face. He stares down at the table, his other hand curled into a ball against the desks surface. "I-It's fine, it doesn't make me uncomfortable..." He mumbles the last half of his sentence, but I still heard it clearly. A gentle smile forms on my face, giving his hand a little squeeze. I seem to be taking it all extremely well, but in reality I'm stopping squeals from escaping out of me. A clap makes me flinch out of the moment, the teacher bringing everyone back to focus. "Time's up! Now, who wants to share some ideas?" Whilst numerous different people throw their hand up to give a reply, I feel Luke's hand intertwine with mine, his butterscotch eyes staring at me, the heavy gaze looking somewhat loving. I accept the movement, keeping my hand open for a while before pressing my fingers back onto his hand. He gives his attention back to the lesson, softly caressing my pale hand with his thumb, rubbing it ever so slowly. Suddenly, I don't think I want this class to end.

A/N: I could honestly picture something like this happening in ep 4, but instead of pursuing the contact they would've jumped away from each other. I literally published a oneshot yesterday so idk where the motivation came from to make this, but I suppose I'll feed you guys with two in a row <3

1154 words <3

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