Coming Out🏳️‍🌈

117 2 11

Genre: Fluff💗
Takes place in middle school!!

Zander's POV🎹:
"Come on, Zander!" My sister shouts impatiently. "No! I'm not doing it!" I shout back. We're fighting over whether I should come out to Luke or not. Me personally, I don't want to. What if he thinks I'm weird? He might even be homophobic! My thoughts are cut off by my sister's whining. "Oh come on, don't be a wuss!" She smirks at me. I look at her, offended. "I am NOT a wuss!" "Then prove it! Go tell Luke you're gay right now!" I sigh, knowing she's not going to give up if I don't do it. "Okay, fine. You win." I roll my eyes. She squeals and attacks me in a tight hug. I groan, "Haileyyy, get off me!" When she releases me, she backs up. "Alright," she begins, placing her hands on her hips. "I think you'd better text him to meet up." She smiles excitedly as I hesitantly grab my phone from my pocket and turn in on, stopping to say, "But Hailey, what if he hates me after?" She chuckles, "He could never hate you, he loves you!" I feel my cheeks getting red as the sentence repeats in my head, specifically the 'he loves you!' part. I shake my head slightly, disposing of my blush as I click on Luke's contact.

Future Boyfriend🧡
You: Hey Luke?
Luke: Oh, hey!! what's up?
You: Kind of random, but can we meet up?
Luke: Sure!! Where?
You: Let's just go to our tree. Meet there in 10?
Luke: Okie dokie! Cya then!!
You: See you.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Hailey peek over my shoulder whilst I'm texting so I automatically move my phone screen to my chest. She puts her hands up defensively, "Sorry! You were smiling! I got curious." I feel my face go bright red. I was smiling? God damn you, Luke. "It's nothing." I say stubbornly. She rolls her eyes, "So, are you guys meeting up?" I stay silent for a second. "Yes... at our tree." She smirks, "Awe, how cute!" I facepalm and calm myself. "Shut up. It's a special tree. Now shoo, I'm leaving." She smiles, "Alright, alright, I'll tell Shannon that you'll be back soon, so don't be long! Good luck!" She waves goodbye and I wave back, the sudden worry and nervousness rushing back to my stomach as I open the door, taking a deep breath before exiting through it.

On the walk to the park where the tree is, my head fills with different worries. The biggest being, what if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore? He'll probably think I'm gross or something. I sigh loudly, stopping to take in the autumn leaves falling from the trees. I try to reassure myself, it'll be fine, Luke wouldn't throw away our friendship for my sexuality. I start to walk again, shoving my hands in my pockets. It's gotten chilly recently, it's obvious summer has passed. I shiver slightly, for a moment forgetting my stress with Luke.

The stress isn't gone for long though, as it comes back when I reach the tree and see Luke hasn't appeared yet. Maybe he won't come? No, I can't think like that. Of course he will. Maybe I'm just early, or he's late. I haven't got my watch on me today so I'm not sure how much time has passed. I can only hope he comes soon. I walk over to the tree, leaning on it. Soon enough, boredom overcomes me and I start tapping my foot on the ground impatiently. Eventually, I hear loud footsteps coming toward me. I look to my side to see Luke running up to me. I push myself off the tree and glare at him for being late. After a few pants, he manages to blurt out, "Sorry I'm late! My mum was keeping me." "Mhm." Is all I say, crossing my arms sternly. "So, why'd you want to meet up?" He asks after he catches his breath. "Does there have to be a reason? What if I just wanted to hang out?" I smirk, knowing his reaction will be entertaining. He stutters, "Oh, no! Not at all! Sorry, I just... you never randomly text me to hang out so I just thought-" I laugh, cutting him off. "Luke, I'm kidding! There is actually a reason." He smiles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. I've learnt that's habit he does when he's nervous. I smile back, my cheeks still finding a way to blush at his presence. "Okay then, uh, what's the reason?" He asks, his smile forming into a genuine one. My blush deepens because of this, and I clear my throat. "I just need to tell you something important." His smile fades and he looks at me with concern in his eyes. "What is it? Are you okay?" He asks, putting his warm hand on my shoulder lightly. I tense up, my face now burning at the sudden action. "I-I'm fine... I just needed to talk to you." His hand goes back to lie at his side as he softly says, "Alright... go ahead." I look away, the floor now becoming the new attraction for me. I take a deep breath, attempting to sooth my anxiety. It didn't assist much, but just taking little glances into his caring eyes helps enough. "I-I..." I start, unable to spit the simple words out. He smiles again, "Take your time! No one's pressuring you!" I give him a slight smile back, before looking back down at the ground again. Alright, Zander, it's now or never. "I-I'm gay..." I blurt out, not wanting to look at him. After a few seconds of unbearable silence, I lift my head up to look at him. I can't read his expression though. A minute or two later, he finally says, "That's... great! Sorry, I don't really know how to react... but, I support you fully! I mean, I always will no matter what you do-" I let out a relieved laugh and tackle him in a hug, interrupting his sentence. He doesn't seem to mind as he hugs me back, following on with this question, "Why were you so nervous to tell me that?" I continue to hug him as I look into the distance from over his shoulder. "I was just scared you'd hate me or something..." I mumble, burying my face into his shoulder. His grip on me tightens, "Zan, I'd never hate you, for anything. Especially not for that, you like who you like!" I feel tears prickling at my eyes while my stupid blush spreads across my face. I really don't deserve him.

Once we'd both calmed down and I'd shed a few tears, we both sat down in front of the tree, our backs leaning against it. We're just in a comfortable silence until Luke breaks it, "You know, I think I'm pan." My head instantly turns to look at him. And I thought he was straight. "Huh?" Is all I can respond with. "Yeah, I'm pansexual." He repeats with some more confidence. I smile, I guess I really was stressing for nothing then. "You're the first person I've told..." He mumbles, his cheeks turning a light rosey colour. I beam at him, thrilled that he trusts me enough to tell me that. "Well, I'm glad you feel comfortable telling me that. And I support you of course." He looks at me and smiles back, "I'm glad you feel comfortable telling me you're gay, too." I get the sudden confidence to shuffle closer to him and lean my head on his shoulder, making my cheeks heat up again. He lies his head on mine and we both just stare at the orange and yellow leaves as they slowly fall from the withered trees. Suddenly, I perk up and say, "Thanks, Luke... for... being such a supportive friend to me. I really appreciate it." His head moves off mine and he looks at me with a confused look, as well as a mocking smirk playing at his lips. I'm not usually one to compliment other people (other than myself) so his look is appropriate. I lift my head up and glare at him. "Well? Don't just ignore my statement." His smirk wipes off his face when he sees my glare, and he smiles guiltily. "Sorry! I just wasn't expecting it!" I cross my arms and huff, "I can be kind to people if I want to you know?" He chuckles, "I know. But it was nice of you to say that, Zan. Thank you." He smiles at me with his contagious smile and I can't help but smile back. "You're welcome I guess..." I mutter, lying my head back on his shoulder. His head resumes the position it was in as we continue our comfortable silence, the whoosh of the evening breeze brushing past our ears is the only sound. I sigh contently, god, why does he have to be so... perfect?

A/N: This was slightly bad, but oh well. I just wanted to get the idea out. New oneshot coming soon!!

1537 words <3

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