Autumnal Activities🍂

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Genre: Fluff💗

Luke's POV🥁:
A bright hue of golden sunlight beams onto my cheek, the interruption hitting the dark void that swallows my eyes. I blink awake from my slumber, my previous dream sinking away to the back of my filled mind. I cover my mouth as I yawn, soon after lifting my arms up to stretch. I groggily smile, pleased I woke up on my own accord and not from my deafening alarm. Once my eyes adjust to the shimmering sunlight, I stare at the outside scenery before me. Suddenly, I perk up, all my fatigue spilling out of me. I quickly grasp my phone from my bedside table, checking the date. I giddily grin, It's September 1st! As everyone knows, September is the first autumn month, so I'm particularly ecstatic since it's my favourite season. I leap out of bed, messily throwing on my usual clothes and completing my repetitive morning routine. I have a tradition where I take a walk in the park whenever it hits autumn time, but what's the fun in that without company? Let's ask Zander on a date!

Three firm knocks collide with the wooden door in front of me, taking my hand away from it and shoving both of them into my pockets as I await an answer. The door swings open to reveal Shannon, sweetly smiling at me when she notices who I am. "Luke, honey! It's so good to see you! Come in, come in!" She gestures for me to enter, gently nudging me through the door. The moment I step foot into the welcoming household, I'm hit with the smell of candles and my nose burning from the temperature change. Shannon's always been one for ginger scented candles, so I've familiarised myself with the smell. "Right, what can I help you with?" She clasps her hands together, thrilled to help with any issue I may have. I attempt to peek up the staircase as I ask, "Is Zander awake yet?" I reckon he's still sleeping as it's 07:39am, and he rarely rises from his cocoon until 11:00am or later unless he's forced to wake up. "Ah, no. His light in his bedroom was still on at five when I woke up, so he's still asleep." She rolls her eyes, "But I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you woke him up! I'm assuming you're taking him on a date?" I nod, very little tints of blush obvious on my face. Though it soon fades as an uncertain expression forms, "But... are you sure he won't get annoyed? He really hates waking up at this time..." She begins to lead me up the stairs, "Nonsense! He could never be mad at you for even a second! Now, in you go!" I glance in front of me, realising I'm at Zander's bedroom door. I catch Shannon going back downstairs and sigh, cautiously turning the door handle. Much to my dislike, the door releases an obnoxious creak, making Zander stir in his sleep. I hold my breath as I watch him roll onto his side, soon returning to his peaceful state. My hand moves to my heart, thanking the gods that he didn't wake up. I take my place on the bed, sitting on the edge of it. Almost instantly, I take in his appearance. It's not often you see him so relaxed, so at ease. The soft frown lines evident between his eyebrows, which would usually be more enhanced, are less obvious. The normal scowl plastered on his face is no where to be seen. I flick his mauve bangs out of his closed eyes so I can see his full features. I can't help but smile at how securely he's tucked into the covers, his hands snuggled up to his chest. I lean down to kiss his forehead, deciding not to disturb his much needed sleep. I pull out my phone, scrolling on social media to fill my boredom.

After a small eternity, I freeze when I hear a half asleep mumble. "Luke...?" I tear my attention away from my phone, feeling my heart flutter when I set sight on Zander, who's vigorously rubbing his eyes. Having known him for so long, I'm aware that he despises people seeing him in this state, although personally I find it adorable. His hair appears to be messy and tangled from how much he shifts in his sleep, but it also looks so fluffy that I'm using all my willpower not to touch it. Considering he's just woken up, his brain is still processing what's happening so his droopy eyes just add to the bewildered look. I place my phone on the bed as he sits up, shuffling closer to me and enveloping me in a side hug. I smile, still admiring him whilst secretly obsessing over his sleep deprived clingy stage. He tilts his head up slightly to make eye contact with me, raising an eyebrow. "What are you doing here this early?" I sigh, allowing my hand to play with his uncontrolled purple locks. "It's 10am, Zan. It's not early." He shrugs, "Early for me." I glance out the window, my eyes sparkling at the array of multicoloured leaves scattered on the grassy ground. He curiously follows my gaze, seeing my expression and smiling. "Let me guess, you wanted to go on a walk but didn't want to do it alone. So you came here to ask me to join you?" I rub my neck with my free hand, caught off guard by the sudden conclusion. "Well, in other words, I came here to ask you on a date! I know just taking a stroll in the park isn't much but it can be quite peaceful! Though I know you prefer winter-" I get abruptly cut off by Zander gently placing his lips on mine, lightly laughing at my reaction when he pulls back. "Luke, I literally don't care what the date includes. Just sitting in silence with you is enough." I smile, exploding inside from both the heartfelt words and the blinding smile plastered on his face. "Right, I'll get dressed!" He releases me from his grip and rushes to his closet, rummaging through his clothes. I take this as a cue to leave, so I exit through the door, giving him some privacy. Once I'm out, a teal haired girl snaps her head in my direction, seeming surprised to see me. "Oh, hey Luke! When did you get here?" She makes her way over to me, clutching some papers. "Hey Hale! Just a few hours ago. Uh, were you working on the competition song again?" She awkwardly chuckles, "Yeah, you caught me. I was just making sure we didn't need to make any more adjustments to it." I facepalm, "Hailey, you really need to relax for once. It isn't just you preforming, you know? Everyone's got things under control." She folds the lyric sheet up and stores it in her pocket. "I know, I just really don't want anything to go wrong." I reassuringly smile at her, "Everything's going to go perfectly, just take a moment to unwind today." Suddenly, Zander's door bursts open, and a hand intertwines with mine. "Quit hogging my boyfriend, Hailey. We've got a date to get too. Come on, Luke, let's go." And just like that, Zander drags me towards the staircase. Hailey just smiles, waving at me. 'Good luck.' She mouths to me, I reply to it with a thankful thumbs up.

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