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fencing isn't just for the male population

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fencing isn't just for the male population

a/n: i never proof read my work

🐺✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼🐺

authors pov


"hey, luna!" jane says as luna ends the call. even though maria is a bad mother, luna didn't really want her to disappear without warning. she hasn't told y/n about this yet because she knows that y/n is probably going to react badly. and she doesn't want to undo all the progress that they've made. so everyday luna has been trying to call her. but she's gotten no reply back so far. "do you want to come with me and watch the fencing practice?"

"yeah sure," luna says, putting her phone in her small bag. "i've got some free time. plus, i think we need a break from all this cotillion planning. let's go,"

"you know, you've got me thinking about taking someone to cotillion," jane says as the two girls make their way through auradon prep. 

"i-i have?" luna asks, taking a glance at the brunette. why couldn't y/n be here? y/n could be able to smell how jane's feeling. 

"yep," jane nods. "i was waiting for someone to ask me but i think i'm going to ask them instead,"

oh. of course. luna hides her sadness, smiling at jane. 

"you should definitely do that! it's twenty seventeen for moon's sake," luna says. "i believe you can do it,"

"i just need to work up the courage," jane giggles, the two girls walking into the amphitheatre. yeah, she just needs to work up the courage to ask the girl that's standing next to her. that's no struggle at all!


"carlos, you're with me. let's go," jay says as carlos follows him and the fencers align with each other. "assemble," the fencers put their fencing swords, towards their rival. "salute," the fencers raise their swords. "lower the point," the swords get lowered. "mask down," every fencer brings their mask down to their face. "en guard," the fencers get in position, jane watching in awe. luna does the same.

the fencers start to fight each other. the sound of swords hitting against each other fill the amphitheatre.

but the someone jumps in the air and starts to fight jay. another does the same, reaching for chad. they're able to lunge, swiping the prince off his feet. quite literally. they battle, the masked ones victorious. the masked ones takes off their masks, revealing it to be lonnie and the one and only, y/n wolf.

carlos' jaw drops. could she get any more perfect?

"it's lonnie!" jane smiles.

"that's my sister! woo! go lonnie! go n/n!" luna yells out, clapping. everyone cheers and applauds for the two girl, making them smile.

"not bad," jay chuckles, punching y/n lightly in the arm.

"i try,"

"you should put us on the team," lonnie says, walking closer to him.

"hey, w-what?!" chad steps in. "no, no, no. we'll...we'll be the laughing stock of the league. a-and what's going to happen next?" he looks at jay. "we'll have girls playing tourney? come on guys,"

"so?" jay asks.

"so? uh, so, have you not read the rule book?" chad asks, reaching for the rule book in the back of his trousers. "section two paragraph three, eleven dash four. 'a team will be comprised of a captain and eight men.'," he shows the book to jay, then to lonnie and y/n then the whole of the fencing team. "hmm? why don't you read the rule book?"

"yeah, but you're down a man," lonnie exclaims. "i mean, since ben had to leave to do all that king stuff,"

"exactly, we're down a man," chad says.

"you sexist little-" lonnie puts her hand out to y/n, stopping the girl. that's not how she wants to handle the situation.

"jay..." lonnie looks towards him as he sighs.

"i'm sorry," he says. "coach trust me. i'm not going to stay captain if i throw away the rule book,"

"that's not very like you, jay," y/n mutters, crossing her arms. this is going to be the only time where she wears these colours. the only time. 

"if my mother thought that way," lonnie starts. "she should have lost the war,"

"okay," chad scoffs. lonnie rolls her eyes and walks away. "rulebook, rulebook,"

"all right guys," jay says. "practice's over. let's go," the fencers disperse, carlos looking around for y/n. 

"you looking for something?" y/n asks, tapping carlos' shoulder. he turns, seeing her holding the helmet. yes, her.

" you?"

"am i looking for something?" y/n asks, tilting her head. a habit that she got from him. "no, i am not looking for anything,"

"okay cool..."

"cool..." y/n says, ready to walk off. "if that is all, i-"

"cotillion, right?" carlos bursts out. "it's very important,"

"yeah..." this is weird. "i would think that it is very important since our best friend mal is becoming a lady of the court,"


"i do think everyone's talking about it it bit too much though," y/n says. "but as long as i finish all the baking and get the money, i don't care,"

"how much are you getting paid?"

"a million dollars," y/n says, nonchalantly. 

"a million-a million dollars?" carlos whispers, bowing his head. y/n nods. "what are you going to with that money?"

"bake probably," y/n says. "or find away to bring my dad and my cousins here," she looks at him, carlos seeing the truth in her words. 

"you're really nice, you know that,"

y/n laughs, and its like music to carlos' ears. 

"don't tell anyone," she winks before her phone starts ringing. y/n gets her phone out of her pocket, seeing that it's evie. "i have to go, sorry. evie said we was going to torture me by doing my dress and i'm guess that time is now,"

"oh okay-uh bye, then..."

"i'll see you around, carlos," y/n says, walking off. dude barks at carlos before whimpering. 

"it wasn't the right time, alright?"

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