Chapter 2

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I did a little dance on the steps of the towering brick edifice in front of me, waiting a moment for a response before hitting the buzzer again.

Didn't they know it was freezing outside?

There was a loud squeal and some indistinguishable sounds before a voice shouted through the intercom.

"What do you want?"

"Ummm...I have an appointment to see an apartment. My name is Kate –

"Oh, right, I'll buzz you in."

A buzz and click combo followed, the same one all the older buildings here sang when greeting their guests. I quickly grabbed the door before it could lock back up and let myself inside.

Digging in my pockets, I searched for my phone so I could confirm which apartment I should be heading to.

Sixth Floor, Apartment 1A.

I spotted the elevator, stepped in and hit the number 6. The elevator lurched upwards, causing me to stumble back and reach for a rail that wasn't there. It shook back and forth, straining like an old man struggling to get up off the floor.

When it finally reached its destination, I leapt out, telling myself that the stairs might be a better option on the way back down as I looked up and down the hallway for 1A. To my surprise, there were only two doors to choose from, one labeled "Exit", the other with what looked like a faded A.

As I knocked on the barely labeled door, it swung open. A woman stood there, tall, with flaming red hair cut pixie short.

"Come in, come in," she said, rushing me inside.

I stepped in as she walked across the room away from me.

"With you in a sec." I watched as she headed over to a couch and sat in front of a laptop, typing away with furious speed and focus.

I assumed that her "with you in a sec" wasn't an invitation to join her, so I remained standing by the door, scanning the apartment.

Advertised as a "spacious, open air living space w/loft" I imagined that I would be walking into five hundred square feet of floor, a hot plate, and a homemade platform big enough to throw a mattress on. Instead, I was gazing at well over a thousand square feet of polished concrete floor, wall to wall windows, and a chrome staircase leading to an open loft.

The kitchen area had butcher block counters and shiny retro styled appliances. Save the coffee table strewn with newspapers and file folders, the place was immaculate. In the same moment that I felt a twinge of excitement over how great this place looked, I felt the weight of disappointment, knowing that the rent in the craigslist ad had to be a typo.

Eight hundred a month was a steal for a tiny hovel in the heart of downtown, let alone for a sprawling loft. This was going to be a complete waste of time, and now I was going to have to trek down six flights of stairs or ride to my certain doom in that deathtrap of an elevator...


I looked up at the woman, who I now imagined must be some sort of evil elven queen who lured people into her clutches with promises of reasonable rent and cityscape views.

"Yes, sorry. I was just admiring the place."

She shrugged. "It serves its purpose. How soon are you looking to move?"

"Within the next two months, but honestly, I think I must have read the ad wrong."

"Oh? I'm not one for flowery descriptions, but the ad was accurate."

"No, no, you're description was just fine, I'm just sure that the ad I looked at must have had a typo." I paused and scrunched up my nose before continuing, "In the price."

"Eight hundred a month, including utilities. Is that not what you read?"

I stood in silence, waiting for a follow up, a clue that this was some sort of elaborate tease, but there was none.

"No. I mean, yes."

The woman stared at me, narrowing her eyes slightly, then suddenly whipped around towards the center of the apartment. "Well, this is the place. As you can see, lots of living space, big kitchen, and then the upstairs."

I followed as she headed up the staircase. At the top was an empty space with a closet and small bathroom. As I stepped towards the center of the room, trying to get a better look at the bathroom, the woman turned towards me.

"This would be your room. It's open but private enough."

"My room? I'm sorry, I'm a little confused."

"I sleep downstairs." She looked around and shook her head, "I don't like it up here."

"So you live here. I mean, you will be living here, too?"

"Yes, of course. Is that a problem?"

She raised an eyebrow, creating an impossibly question mark-like curve with it.

"Uh, no? I'm sorry, I just didn't think I responded to a roommate wanted ad."

"Oh, that. Yes. Too many strange people answer those. You weed out more creeps this way."


I wasn't entirely sure that she didn't fall into either of those categories.

"So, are you interested or not?"

I took another look around. The place was pretty amazing, the rent within my very sad budget, and while the unplanned roommate was odd, she didn't exactly scream 'I'll kill you in your sleep'.

"I think I am, actually. Yes," I quickly added with conviction, "I am definitely interested."

She took off down the stairs, with me scrambling behind, and headed to a desk in one corner of the room and grabbed a folder. "You'll find a lease agreement inside. Get that and the deposit to me within 24 hours. I'm here all day tomorrow."


I stood motionless, staring at the folder.

"Now, if you could show yourself out, I have some things I need to attend to."

"Oh, right, of course. Sorry. I'll see you tomorrow." I started towards the door, then turned just as I was grabbing the handle. "I'm sorry, but I didn't actually catch your name?"


"Oh," I smiled, motioning to her hair, "is that what your friend's call you?"

She was back on the couch with her laptop. Without looking up, she deadpanned, "Yes. Because that's my name."

"Right. Ok."

I quickly made my way out into the hallway before I could offend my soon-to-be roommate with any more questions. I looked at the exit door leading to the stairs, the elevator doors, then at the folder.

I stepped towards the death trap and hit the call button. If I was going to take the leap and move in with an odd stranger, I may as well start taking chances now.

I took a deep breath as I stepped inside the elevator and watched the doors slowly squeal shut.

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