Chapter 23

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"You really didn't have to come with me. I'm sure you other have things to do." I looked up at Eli, slightly embarrassed to be indulging in my nerdier interests with him following.

"The meeting with David was the top of my to do list, so all clear for today. And until we can figure out who bugged your place and why, I feel it's best that you weren't alone."

He wasn't kidding. Since the incident at the apartment I'd spent practically every moment with Eli by my side. 

Granted, that was easier on work days, but this was the weekend. When I told him about my plans to hit a conference on Saturday, he insisted on joining me without asking what the conference was.

"So," he said, picking up a box off the table, "this is what you enjoy in your spare time?"

"Sir, could you set that down?"

"Sorry, mate."

Eli set the box down on the table and raised his hands apologetically. The man behind the table gingerly moved the box closer to him, rearranging the other figures on the table to accommodate the change in position.

"Touchy lot, are they?" he asked quietly, leaning toward me.

"Well, that figure you picked up is rare and cost about five hundred dollars, so I don't know if I would say 'touchy'. And I don't collect those, if that's what you're asking," I said, pointing to the Star Wars memorabilia as we continued walking. "But yes, I like a lot of this stuff."

Eli gave a shrug and nod, without saying anything.

"Oh, come on, tons of people love this stuff."

"No judgments. I just wasn't expecting...this. I thought maybe we were going to a flower and garden show or something."

I shot him a look. "Because I'm a girl?"

"No, of course not," he answered with a grin.

We stopped in front of a booth specializing in steampunk costumes and accessories. I stood scanning the intricate pieces. While I made my way around the table, I could see Eli to the side, brow furrowed, glancing around the ballroom.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Hmm?" I stepped away from the table and closer to Eli. "You look distracted. And not by the barely-there costume that chick over there is wearing."

Eli continued looking off, then grabbed my hand. "Walk."


"Just keep up. And act normal. Or whatever normal is in this place."

I quickened my pace to keep up with Eli's long stride.

"What's wrong?"

"We're being followed." We ducked into a crowd of people heading for an unmarked doorway, leading to an empty hallway. "Give me your phone."

"What?" I fumbled with my purse, finally retrieving the phone just as a man jumped out in front of us.

"Did you really think you could slip away that easily, H–"

Before the man could finish, Eli lunged at him, punching him in the throat. The man stood there dazed, while Eli delivered a second blow to his jaw, the man collapsing in a heap on the floor. He laid there, quiet and still.

"What just happened?" My voice squeaked as I continued, "Oh my...did you just kill him?"

"Shhh!" Eli squatted down, grabbing the man under the arms, and began dragging him quickly down the hall. He nodded toward a door behind him. "Quickly. Open it."

I stood motionless.

"Kate! Snap out of it. The door. Now." 

I walked over and grabbed the handle. "It's locked."

Eli sighed, dropping the body on the floor, turning his attention to the locked door. He fished around in his pocket, pulling out a paper clip. Within moments I heard the click of the door unlocking. Eli turned back to the man on the floor, dragged him into what looked like a darkened electrical closet, then locked and closed the door behind him.

"Where's your phone?" I handed it over and followed as he quickly made his way down the hall, back to the ballroom entrance, dumping my phone in a trashcan. Back in the ballroom, he grabbed my hand again, scanning the crowd as we continued walking.

"Eli, what is going on?"

He didn't answer. I stopped walking, causing him to jerk back slightly.

"What are you doing? We can't just stand here, Kate. It's likely that man wasn't alone."

"No. I'm not going anywhere until we talk."

"Kate..." I pulled my hand from his and walked towards a particularly crowded area, Eli following.

"Kate, come on."

"You want me to go with you? We talk. Here." I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a big blue box, pulling the small door shut behind us.

"A phone booth? You want to sort this out in a phone booth?"

I shook my head. "Are you sure you're British?"

"Of course. Why would you ask that?"

I motioned to the tiny space around us, as if his ignorance of what we were standing in was explanation enough. He shrugged.

"Seriously? You don't know a TARDIS when you see one?"

He gave me a blank, and what seemed to be an increasingly annoyed stare.

"Whatever. I'll explain later. What just happened in that hallway? Did you," I lowered my voice, "did you just kill that guy?"

"No, he's just unconscious. But we might end up in worse shape than him if we don't get out of here."

"Why? What do you know?"

"Kate, you know someone has been after you. Apparently they knew you would be here – the guy in the hallway didn't look like he wanted a friendly chat."

"Yeah, well, he also didn't sound like he wanted me. I'm beginning to think that I'm not the one these people, whoever they are, really want."


"I'm not a total idiot, Eli, so don't lie to me. I'm not moving from this spot until you start telling me the truth."

Eli leaned back, letting his head bang against the wall behind him. "Fine. But can we do it somewhere else? It's a little cramped in here."

"I don't know. It IS bigger on the inside."


I sighed. "Forget it."

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