Chapter 22

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"Who are you calling?"

Eli arrived within minutes of hanging up to find me sitting on the kitchen counter, chewing on my thumb, phone to my ear.

"Red. Again. She didn't pick up before."

Before, being the last three times I called. Eli nodded, saying nothing. A voice suddenly came across the phone. 

Red's voice.

"You know, most people just leave a voice mail when someone chooses not to answer."

My words rushed out in relief. "Red! I'm so glad it's you."

"Who else would it be?"

"Listen, someone broke into the apartment. I didn't see your laptop or you, so I was worried something–"

"What?! I'll be right there." 

I stared at the phone for a moment. "When did people stop finishing conversations before hanging up? It's not like the phone doesn't go with you."

Eli smiled. "Glad to see you're retaining your sense of humor, given the circumstances."

"Don't let my humorous demeanor fool you. I'm sufficiently freaked out."

"Red's okay I take it?"

"Well, she hasn't been abducted. We'll see how okay she is when she sees the apartment."

"Have you called the police?"

I shook my head. "Besides the fact that I haven't had the chance, I wasn't sure I should. You know, with everything that's been going on, I wouldn't know where to begin"

Eli started to say something else but was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Are you expecting someone?"

"Oh yeah." I hopped off the counter and headed for the door. "That should be Anton."

Anton strode in, pausing to give me a quick kiss on the forehead. He took in the mess around him before stopping to stare at Eli. 

Eli gave Anton a nod.


Anton kept his stare, and I thought for a moment I heard a low growl coming from his direction.

"What are you doing here?"

"He called after I got off the phone with you, Anton." I stood there, an unintended spectator of an impromptu staring contest. I was relieved when Red came through the door.

"Red, I'm so glad to see you," I blurted, feeling slightly guilty that my relief had more to do with ending the awkward contest than with her safety. Red ignored my greeting and looked at the disaster around her.

"Have you called the police?"

"No..." I glanced over at Eli, wishing I had telepathic powers as I wondered how to explain why I hadn't yet involved the proper authorities.

"Good," Red responded, and began to gather up papers strewn about the living room.


"We can't know who is involved or high up this goes." Red's voice was excited and she was almost smiling. "I must have stumbled on something..."

Her voice trailed off as she looked up at Anton. "Who is this?"

"This is my friend Anton. He was on the phone with me when I walked in."

Red tossed the pile of papers she'd gathered on to the dining room table and walked up to Anton. She was tall enough to look him in the eye and had he been anyone else, her stare would have been intimidating.

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