Chapter 28

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Even with the thick red scarf bundled around my neck under my pea coat, the damp night air froze me from the inside out. 

Headlights approached, slowing and pulling off at the lookout point Anton suggested. The car parked behind mine, and I let out a sigh of relief when I saw Eli's familiar profile in the moonlight.

"Kate, what's wrong? Why are we meeting here?"

Before I could answer, Anton stepped out from behind the car.

"Dobriy vecher, Eli."

"What are you doing here?" Eli looked at Anton, than back at me. "What's going on?"

"I was trying to find out more about Meera. I asked Anton to help me and he thought the three of us should meet."

Eli walked over and grunted a single word to Anton. "Durachitʹ."

"Your friend is calling me a fool, kotik." Anton crossed his arms. "I am a fool for wanting truth for Kate?"

The two men were standing toe to toe, Eli's eyes narrowed, Anton's chest puffed out behind crossed arms.

"Look, I came here to talk with both of you. Not watch you two have a staring contest."

Anton uncrossed his arms.


Just when I thought we were making progress, Anton grabbed Eli and slammed him face first against the hood of the car. Eli struggled as Anton pushed his weight against him, searching the pockets of his coat.

"Anton! What are you doing?"

I ran over and grabbed Anton's arm, giving Eli just enough opportunity to escape Anton's grasp. As Eli swung around, grazing Anton's chin, I found myself falling to the ground, sliding across the muddy gravel.

Anton shoved Eli, yelling. "See? This is what you do!"

"Shut it! There was nothing I could do. You know that."

"She trusted you."

"I was trying to protect her. And this isn't the same thing."

"No? Then why does Kate not know the truth?"

I pushed myself off the ground, slowly, brushing gravel from my hair. I winced as I felt the scratches on my chin from sliding across the ground. "Don't mind me. I'll just help myself up. Please, carry on with the yelling."

Both Anton and Eli walked over, standing on either side of me. Eli laid his hand on my arm.

"I'm so sorry, Kate. Are you alright?"

I shook my head and choked out a laugh.

"Oh, I'm great. You know, except for the face full of gravel. And being chased by some strange man with a gun. Oh! And the being kidnapped and stuffed into a tree. That was a bit rough. But yeah, I'm fantastic. You?"

"I'm sorry. Truly. It wasn't supposed to happen like this."

Anton snorted. "Is that what you said last time?"

Eli's hand gripped my arm. "Fine, Anton. Let's talk."

"Can we talk somewhere less cold? You know, indoors?" I shifted between the two men. "I can't feel my toes."

"I know a place." Anton grabbed my free arm. "Let's go."

I took a step, stopping when Eli didn't move, still holding on to my other arm. "Kate goes with me."

"I do not think so."

"I'm not sending her alone with you." Eli pulled gently but firmly on my arm.

Anton pulled back. "She is not going with you."

I yanked my arms back from both of them. "Will you two stop it already? The last thing I need is a dislocated shoulder because you boys decided to use me in some twisted game of tug of war. Eli, give me your keys."

Surprisingly, he complied.

"We'll go in your car. All of us. I'll drive. Now get in the car!" The men stared at each other then both headed for the front passenger door. "And you are both sitting in the back. One less stupid thing for you to argue about."

I jumped in the driver's seat of Eli's black SUV, turned the key and leaned back into the seat, taking a breath.

"Anton, please tell me there is coffee where we are going."

"There is much better than coffee."

"Alright then." My finger hovered over the the GPS. "What's the address?"

"There is no address. Just drive. I will tell you when we are close."

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