Chapter 7

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"He's such a little worm."

"I am sorry, Katerina. I am not surprised, but I am sorry."

I sat on the coffee shop couch, legs tucked underneath me, sipping on my drink. "It's ok. I knew he wouldn't take my giving notice well, but I didn't expect to be escorted out of the office and off the property. Guess I won't be coming to visit you boys on hockey night any time in the future."

"You come when you want. Let that trus say something to us."

I smiled. It didn't hurt having someone like Anton in your corner. "So, you wanted to show me something?"

"Ah. Yes. Your new man friend. He does not exist."

I let out a snort. "Eli? What do you mean he doesn't exist?"

Anton pointed to his laptop, sitting on the coffee table in front of us. "He is nowhere. I do not like it."

"Oh, come on, Anton. What would happen if I try to search for you online?"

Anton gave a slow, mischievous grin. "You would not find me."

"So, maybe Eli is just as paranoid as you. As shocking as it is to someone like me, some people just don't have their information strewn across the internet. It doesn't automatically make them a suspicious character."

Anton shrugged. "He is not me, so I still do not like it."

"Well, I appreciate you looking out for me, but really, I'm sure it's fine. Just because the man doesn't post a picture of what he had for breakfast every day doesn't mean he's a psychopath."


"I'd be more concerned about my roommate."


"Well..." I thought for a moment about Eli's call. I wasn't worried about Red before it. Maybe Eli was like Anton. Protective. "I'm sure it's nothing actually. She's just a little odd. Odd, but harmless, I'm sure."

"Give me her full name. I will find out."

"It's not a big deal, Anton."

"For later, then. When I am bored." 

I rolled my eyes and complied. "It's Red Reid."

Anton looked at me, mouth pulled in a straight line, eyebrows raised. "This is her name?"

"Yes. This is."

"Are you making fun of me, kotik?"

"Nyet." I leaned in and gave Anton a peck on the cheek, before hopping off the couch. "Gotta run. Need to grab some groceries if I am going to eat tonight."

"Just steal from your odd roommate."

"Oh, believe me, I would if I could." I looked around at the other patrons in the coffee shop and lowered my voice. "She's vegan. Not terribly compatible with my tastes."

"At least she will not be stealing your food."

"Ah, look at you, Anton, finding the silver lining."

"I am the ray of sunshine."

I headed for the door, waving before making my exit.

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