Bonus: Character Interviews

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Taking a quick break between chapters to share interviews I did with a few of the characters. If you enjoy this kind of supplement to the story, let me know in the comments and I'll include it in future stories. Thanks for reading!


Interview Transcript with Red Reid

Thanks for joining us today, Red.


Umm...ok. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? I understand you live in Seattle, but are you from Washington State originally?

I can't possibly see how that information is necessary here.

Er, it's not necessary; I just thought the folks reading this might be curious to know that sort of thing. Pretty standard interview fare, you know, where are you from, what do you do, that sort of thing.

Fine. I'm from the Northeastern part of the United States. I don't think I need to be more specific than that.

And what do you do?

I handle online customer support for a company I'd rather not name.

I see. So, you answer questions via email and online chat? That sort of thing?

I handle online customer support.

Do you work from your apartment?

Who told you I have an apartment?

Uh, no one. I mean, I guess I did. Er...

What exactly does that mean? Who do you work for?

No one. Honest. Sorry. Let's move on. Do you have any hobbies?


Hobbies? What am I twelve?

Sorry, I didn't mean to insinuate...

I have interests, interests in which I am passionately invested. Interests which could have global implications far beyond anything you could begin to comprehend.

Global implications? What are you talking about?

Not here.

Why not here? This is my house. Oh my word, IS SOMEONE WATCHING MY HOUSE??


You can never be too careful.


Are you a spy?

I'm going to guess that you watch a lot of television. Don't be ridiculous.

I'M ridiculous?!

Let me ask you, do you watch a lot of Disney movies?

What does that have to...? What's a lot? I mean, I'm sure I've seen my fair share, but...


This isn't going well, is it?

It never does.

Let's change the subject. How do you feel about your new roommate?

I don't have a new roommate.


If I did have a roommate, I would certainly hope she doesn't ask as many annoying questions as you do. And I'd prefer that she didn't wear animal print.

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