Chapter 15

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I patted my face, watching the outline of a stranger's fingertips on my cheek slowly fade beneath concealer and foundation. It had been half an hour since I started the process and it was finally looking natural.

Well, as natural as one can look under so many layers of makeup.

Avoiding contact with anyone yesterday, and the questions that would have followed, had been easy enough. Red was happy to forget I even lived in the apartment, Meera had dinner plans with David, and Anton was satisfied with my explanation that my call had been accidental.

But I wasn't sure what today would bring. I had to be prepared. I started to pull my hair back into the usual ponytail, then stopped, deciding wearing it down might further distract from my painted over bruises.

"Kate!" Red yelled up the stairs. "Door!"

I ran down the stairs and saw Eli standing just inside the door, holding three coffee cups in a tray.

"Thank you for accommodating Kate and I today. My office is a bit of a wreck right now."

Red looked down at the coffee cups, never cracking a smile. "I don't drink coffee."

"Oh, it's tea. I have white, oolong, and rooibos. I wasn't sure which you prefer."

Red grabbed one of the cups, opened and sniffed at the warm liquid, still staring at Eli. She replaced the cover and took a sip. "Thank you. If you two can work quietly, I don't see why we can't all get along just fine today."

Eli flashed a smile. "You won't even notice we're here. May I ask about the paintings?"

I looked in the direction Eli was at what I referred to as the 'gallery of weird'. Each painting was different, each one odder than the next. Disfigured faces, mannequins missing body parts, with the occasional demented looking rodent thrown in. I walked up and quietly took my cup of tea, looking up at the two of them towering over me, waiting to hear her answer.

"Those are research."


"Yes. They were painted by someone diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder."

"Interesting images."

Eli walked over to the wall and pointed to one painting, an emotionless face with one eye missing and bloodied, the background a series of alternating black and white squares.

"This one is fantastic. I'd love to hear more about them some time."

Red cocked her head to one side, her face flashing the suggestion of a smile. "I would like that."

She turned away and headed to her desk. I motioned towards the couch and Eli quickly walked over and took a seat.

"Impressive. I may have to call you 'Charming' after all."

Eli shook his head a spoke just above a whisper. "No, I think this still falls in the category of dragon slaying."

I let out a giggle, cutting it short as I heard Red clear her throat from the corner. I looked over and was relieved to see she already had her headphones on.

"Do you really like those paintings? They give me the chills."

"I wouldn't have them hanging in my apartment, but they are intriguing." 

"The one with the butterflies is okay, I guess."

"The butterflies that look like they're melting? Now those are creepy."

"Alright, enough about the Gallery of Weird, what's on the agenda?" Eli reached for his laptop bag, stopping at the sound of a knock at the door. "Are you expecting someone?"


It had only been seconds and the knock came again, this time with more force. I stood up, Eli jumping up in front of me, putting his hand up as he walked over to the door. He peered through the peephole before opening the door a crack.

"Can I help you?"

"Hi. We're looking for Kate Stanton. Is she available?"

"Who's asking?" I was standing just behind the door and could hear movement along with the man's reply. "We're with the DEA. It's important that we speak to her."

Eli opened the door wider and I stepped into view. There were two men and a woman standing there, one of them holding out an official looking badge.

"What's this about?" I asked.

"You're not in any trouble, Ms. Stanton. We just need to ask you some questions about your previous employer, George Leeman. Can we come in?"

"Of course, come in."

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