Chapter 18

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"Kate, you picked a great place," Meera said, taking a bite of her grilled eggplant. "This is delicious."

"I'm glad you like it. My Satan is delicious," I said unconvincingly.

"Seitan, Kate," David corrected.

"Potato, Potahto."

"So, Eli, what do you do?" David asked in between forkfuls of what looked like moistened forest floor.

"I'm a consultant."

"That's a bit vague."

"I identify a company's weaknesses and provide solutions. My work covers a variety of areas but, for the moment, I am looking for executive level talent for a large corporation."

David paused, mid-chew. "Really? What company?"

"Ah, sorry, mate. Non-disclosure and all that. When a company is seeking out a new CEO, that's the sort of thing that can cause chaos among shareholders. You understand."

"Oh, of course."

"What is it you do? I think Kate mentioned you were in the tech arena?"

"Yes. I'm the CFO of a software company. We have our hands in everything at the moment, from productivity solutions to video games."

"That sounds exciting."

David shrugged and cleared his throat. "The company is doing very well, so I can't complain. We're actually close to a couple of new game launches, which is why I am in town. Our games division is based here."

"Kate's played some of their games," Meera added.

"Oh?" Eli looked over, taking a sip of his sparkling water. "I didn't know you were a gamer, Kate."

"I wouldn't call myself that."

More like, that girl who didn't leave the house for a week post-breakup because shooting things in an imaginary world seemed like a much better idea.

"Well, I love a good game," Eli continued.

"You should come by." David cleared his throat again, rubbing his jaw just below the ear. "I can give you a tour of the operation. I'll have my assistant call yours and set something up."


David cleared his throat again, this time rubbing the area below his ear more aggressively. He looked down at his plate and leaned away from it.

"Is that a caper?" Meera looked over, moving the food on his plate around with a fork.

"Oh dear."

"Did I not tell them specifically, 'no capers'?"

Meera started sifting through her oversized bag.

"David, I don't have anything with me."

Eli leaned forward. "Is everything okay?"

Meera sighed. "David is allergic to capers."

I sat back, used to David's varied reactions to, well, everything.

Eli showed more concern.

"Do we need to get you to the hospital?"

Meera and David were putting their coats on, David spoke between throat clearing sounds. "No, I just need my medication, which it would appear is back at Meera's."

David opened his wallet and Eli put his hand out.

"I've got it. Go take care of yourself."

"Thank you. We'll have to do this again so I can reciprocate."

"No worries. Go. Get home."

Meera mouthed sorry as she ushered David towards the door, grunting and coughing along the way.

"That went well," Eli smiled.

"Did it?"

"Well, I not only have time to chat with him at his place of business, we have tentative dinner plans again."

"I guess you're right. That worked out perfectly. You should thank the kitchen for the capers."

"Amazing how things can fall into place." Eli grinned as he opened his wallet and threw a handful of bills on the table. "And now, let's go get a burger."

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