Chapter 13

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"Just a second!" I rubbed my eyes and stumbled out of the bed and into the bathroom, grabbing the sweats from the counter and throwing them on as I headed to the door. Another knock. "I'm coming!"

I pulled the sweatshirt over my head as I looked through the peephole, spying a hotel uniform. I looked around and grabbed an empty coffee mug from the table and opened the door a crack, holding the mug behind me.

"I have your laundry, miss." The bellhop handed me a few hangers, clothes covered in plastic.

"Uh, thanks."

"Your breakfast will be up shortly. Can I get you anything else?"

"No. Thank you." 

He nodded and turned away as I closed the door. I stared at the clothes on the hanger, no memory of moving them from the bathroom floor. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe he got the wrong room. 

I tore the plastic off and there they were; jeans, a dark green Henley, black bra and underwear.

They were definitely my clothes. I stepped back into the bedroom, changed out of the overpriced sweats and into my own clothes, then searched the room to see if anything else seemed out of place.

My gaze fell to the end table, the pen lying there alone. My list was nowhere in sight.

I jumped at the sound of the door clicking open and scampered to the other side of the bed, ducking beside it. I grabbed the closest heavy object available and held my breath. I could hear someone making their way into the bedroom.

"Kate?" I jumped out from my hiding place at the sound of Eli's voice, still brandishing the heavy object. Eli stepped back, a look of surprise quickly fading into a broad smile.

"Are you about the beat me to death with a bible?"

"How did you get in here?"

He held up a hotel key. "I checked in on you earlier, but you were dead to the world. I see they got your clothes up to you."

"You took my clothes?" 

"Of course. I didn't think you wanted to spend your day looking like a billboard for this place, lovely as it is."

I narrowed my stare. "What about the pad of paper?"

He was standing in front of me now, reaching for the bible still in my hands.

"Guilty. It caught my eye when I came in. Can you let go of this so we can sit and talk like normal people, or shall I find a thesaurus and prepare to duel?" I let go and he tossed the bible on the bed. "Come on, let's have a chat about your list."

We walked into the main room of the suite and I sat slowly on the edge of the couch. I didn't want to suspect Eli, but my list was a short one. I wasn't ready to let my guard down just yet. He spoke up, as if he was reading my mind.

"I see I made the list."

I felt my face flush. He was the one who came to my rescue, the one paying for the hotel room I was sitting in, and yet I put him on a list that questioned his involvement in what happened. As logical as it was to write down his name, I couldn't help but feel bad about him seeing it.


"No worries. I take it as a compliment. It at least means I could be mistaken as your friend, if I'm not actually counted as one."

"You must think I'm totally ungrateful-"

"Not at all. I would have written my name on the list, too, if I were in your spot. Although, first glance, I'd go with Red or Anton."

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