6. safe place

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"Charlotte, you need to listen to me and take in what I am actually telling you," Marjorie spoke with her work voice. This made Charlotte look up at her and nod slowly, slightly on edge.

"It's fine, dont worry, you just need to listen, but last night I had time to think, and I've made a few phone calls. Dont panic, char. Honestly, it's all okay. So one phone call was to Autumn and the other to Mia." Marjorie started, Charlotte nodded slowly as she listened closely to what her friend was saying. "Right, so Autumn has agreed to go with you and Reece to pack up your stuff from your house, and then they are taking you to stay with Mia. She's agreed, so don't panic, and she has the spare room cleared out ready for you." Marjorie explained slowly, watching Charlottes facial expressions closely. Charlotte nodded throughout the whole conversation.

"But Mia hates me, Auts won't want to do any of that its the weekend so that means its her and winters time together" Charlotte said quietly as she fiddled with the sleeve on her sweater. "Go get in the car, Char. we are going now and getting your stuff before you can talk yourself out of it. Get in the car now!" Reece told her, grabbing his keys and waiting by the front door. "Can you at least please come?" She asked her best friend, Marjorie nodded. "Let's get you moved out and safe, and it will all be okay."

As Reece pulled up outside Charlottes' house, her ex husband was stood at the door shouting at Autumn. Reece was quick to get out and join them. Marjorie lent back in the car, squeezing Charlottes' hand as they both watched Reece and Autumn squaring up to David. "Come on, let's get inside and start packing. He's clearly busy right now." Marjorie whispered before getting out of the car, Charlotte followed closely behind her. "Oh, look, here is the disappointment of the group, the poor excuse of a woman. Can't even carry a baby the one thing women are made for!" he shouted as Marjorie and Charlotte walked inside. "Char are you o-" Marjorie started as she followed Charlotte through the house. "Marjorie, just dont, please. Let's just get out of here quickly. If we just shove it all into this suitcase then it will be quicker" Charlotte told her as she grabbed her suitcase from the other room before walking into her and Davids room to find all of her stuff in a pile of the floor. "Well, this will be easy." she muttered, shoving the pile into her bag quickly, Marjorie helped her quietly. Charlotte walked over to her dressing table to find all her makeup had been ruined, a mirror smashed, her hair dryer broken. She let out a shaky breath. "I-its all ruined. Let's just go. I've got my clothes, and that's all i need." she whispered before looking at Marjorie, picking up her bag. Marjorie watched Charlotte closely she could tell she was putting on a brave face for everyone when, in reality, it was all too much for her.

"Oi, you two leave him. He can live his life, and I can live mine how I want to at last away from that selfish prick." she told the siblings. Autumn was the last to leave, slamming the door behind her. Charlotte threw her bag into reeces car before getting into the car. She sat with her hands in her lap, fliddling with her sleeves while just looking at the floor bluntly. "Charlotte," Autumn whispered as she opened her door. "Im fine, just tired, don't start asking stupid questions." she told Autumn bluntly. She nodded slowly, not wanting to upset her friend any further. "I'm just ready to go to Mias now." With that, she shut the door and told Reece to get going.

Autumn followed behind Reece in her car. As they got to Mias, she met them at the front door. Autumn met Mias gaze and shook her head slightly, Mia nodded back and moved out the way as everyone made their way inside. Marjorie was first, followed by Autumn, Charlotte, and then Reece with her bag. He placed it by the door for now. The friends all made their way to sit in the living room, everyone except Charlotte. Autumn slowly stood up. "I will go and sit with her," she told everyone else quietly. Everyone just nodded. "She will want hugging Auts just a prewarning," Marjorie mumbled as she walked out.

"Hey Charlotte. I'm just going to sit with you if that's okay." She said as she sat next to Charlotte on the stairs, pushing her knee against Charlottes to give her some comfort. "Go and join everyone else, I'm fine. I'm just sitting here for a bit. Please leave me alone" she told her but Autumn shook her head "I'm staying with you till you are ready to join everyone else, I'm happy to sit here" Charlotte nodded slightly while staring at the floor, tears rolled down her cheeks slowly but she didn't say a word. "Hey Charlotte, I can see the tears. Come here, I can give you a hug." Autumn whispered to charlotte. She just nodded slowly. Autumn sighed and wrapped her arms around Charlotte, it reminding her of how Mia would hold her as a child.

"You are safe now, Char, you know that, right? Mia wouldn't ever hurt you, and you have me, Marjorie, and Reece to protect you. To top it off, you have the rest of your nursery family to look after you as well, so please, please, please dont be scared." Autumn whispered softly as she rubbed her back gently. "He broke everything. All i have is my clothes that were on the floor in a pile. I haven't got my makeup or anything else." she sobbed into Autumns shoulder. She slowly pulled away and wiped the tears that rested on her cheeks.

"That can all be replaced. Look, me and Mia can replace your makeup, and Mia will have stuff you can use here. We will pick you back up. How about we sit together with everyone and look for the exact makeup that you have." she offered Charlotte shook her head, but Autumn stood up and pulled Charlotte with her, leading her into the other room. She gently pushed Charlotte to sit on the couch next to Marjorie. "Autumn! Ment to be looking after her!" Reece piped up, but Autumn shot him a look. He rolled his eyes in response.

"Char, look on my phone and add anything you need into the basket, and between us, we will get it for you." she told her while looking at Charlotte. She took the phone reluctantly and just added the basics, foundation, eye shadow, mascara, and concealer. "Auts," she mumbled, passing her phone back. "Char is this all you want? Are you sure? Reece and Mia are loaded so you can treat yourself." she joked slightly, but Charlotte shook her head. "I should be buying it myself, but i know better than to fight with you." she mumbled while Autumn paid for the items in her basket. "It will be delivered in the next few days"

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