8. Oh baby

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"Charlotte, look at me, baby," mia whispered as she tilted her head up slowly to look the mean red head in the eyes. "I will never hurt you Char and I will do what I can to look after you and protect you no matter what happens, you are safe with me" she told her quietly while taking her hand in her own. "Mia, i know I'm just scared, and i want to be loved, but i know no one will love me, really. Im broken, my body can't even achieve the one thing women are meant to do, whats the point even trying to be happy. Everyone I love slowly turns away and leaves me or, in this case, abuses me." Charlotte mumbled as her breathing started getting quicker before getting up and rushing into the bathroom, locking the door behind her quickly. Charlotte slid her back down the door before landing on the floor.

Mia watched her closely before slowly walking to the bathroom door, knocking on it. "Char, you haven't got to be happy, just please come and sit out here. You can sit and cry if it would help. I can wrap you in a blanket and hold you till you sleep." mia continued to waffle for a while. "Mia just leave me alone." Charlotte muttered back, but Mia continued to ramble on about anything and everything. After a couple of minutes, Charlotte finally pushed herself up, unlocking the door and falling into Mias chest. "Let's get you a blanket, baby." she whispered before walking to her wardrobe, getting a blanket out and wrapping it around Charlotte before picking her up with ease. She sat back on the bed and held Charlotte close to her chest as sobs rippled through her body. Mia started to gently rock her. "Mia, if I sleep on you, will you hurt me?" Charlotte asked nervously as she looked up at Mia, her head on her shoulder. Mia looked back at Charlotte, seeing the general concern in her eyes. "Oh sweeie its okay. I will never hurt, you sleep, and i will try and stay awake, so I'm here when you wake up." Charlotte nodded slowly and shut her eyes tightly.

"Hey, just remember that I won't be mad if you don't sleep though lovely, so don't worry," Mia whispered quietly. "But you are holding me to get me to sleep. If I don't sleep, you might slap me or kick me or throw something at me." she mumbled, but Mia shook her head. "I'm holding you so you are comfy and not stressed, but if you sleep, that also works. I didn't want you to be sobbing in the bathroom on your own. I promise that as long as me, Auts, Reece, or Marjorie are near you, you are always going to be safe. That counts at work as well. There will always be at least one of us with you at all times." she told her softly. Charlotte nodded slowly against her chest while her brain ran wild.

She moved and hid her head in Mias chest quietly. "Dont let me go." she mumbled as her eyes closed, mia watched her before she started humming softly. "You are safe, I won't let you go." she whispered. "Maybe tomorrow we can get Marjorie to come over and visit you. I know you love her cuddles." Mia whispered as she watched Charlotte doze off in her arms while wrapped in the blanket.

While Charlotte slept, Mia picked up her phone, messaging Reece. "Tell Marjorie that she is finally asleep. I've got her wrapped in a blanket and in my arms almost like you would with a baby. Just know that she is an emotional wreck. I told her that I would invite you both over tomorrow, so if you just come over at any time, that would be great." She typed before pressing send and putting her phone on silent. "Marjorie is so grateful that you are looking after her, so thank you for doing what you can for her. We will be over early, so dont worry." She read the message before putting her phone down and turning all her attention back to Charlotte.

As the minutes ticked by Mias eyes started to get heavy, finally giving into sleep. The girls slept peacefully in eachothers embrace.

Soon enough, the sun lit up the room, casting a golden glow. Mia was the first to stir, Charlotte was still wrapped in her arms. Mia slowly moved Charlotte and tucked her under the duvet carefully. "Shh baby, just sleep." she hushed before slowly standing up and walking into the bathroom. While Mia was gone, Charlotte stired awake, looking round the room nervously. "D-David, m-mia?" She mumbled nervously, not getting a response. She wrapped the duvet around herself tightly.

It didn't take long for Mia to return from the bathroom in just a towel. Charlotte heard the door open and looked up quickly. "M-mia," she whispered nervously while still keeping the duvet around her tightly. "Hey Char, you okay?" She asked while quickly finding clothes to change into. "Am i still safe?" She asked as her breath hitched in her throat and tears gathered in her eyes. Mia turned around quickly. "Oh sweetheart, of course you are. Marjorie and Reece are popping over today at some point, and it's just you and me here." she explained calmly while getting into her usual tight fitting top and black skinny jeans. She made her way back to the bed and cuddled into Charlotte, allowing her to be a little spoon.

"I need to get dressed and do my m-" Charlotte started before tears tolled down her cheeks. "You can use mine, and i will do it for you. How about i find you an outfit, and you can look through my makeup bag in my top drawer?" she told Charlotte, who slowly slipped out of bed. Mia walked into the spare room, looking in Charlottes bag for an outfit. She settled on black leggings and her black and white dress that she loved. As mia walked back in, she watched Charlotte apply the makeup to her face. "It's too dark." she mumbled to herself sadly. "Charlotte, you dont need makeup. You are absolutely gorgeous without it, but if you feel you need it, maybe just use some lipstick and mascara." she hushed, laying the clothes on the bed. "Sit still, and i will do your hair." Mia told her. Undoing the plait and letting it fall onto her shoulders. "How about half up half down?" she asked quietly, Charlotte nodded slowly.

Mia was gentle with Charlotte, taking time to section her hair before tying it up. "Go and get dressed, sweetie, and i will call Reecey to tell him he owes us coffee on the way over." Mia told her as she picked up her phone, calling Reece.

"You are just as bad as Marjorie!.... She is fine.... yes, she has slept.... yes, i have slept well, kind of but not the point.... Reece, stop with the questions! We are fine both up dressed and functional adults, which leads me to my next point on your way over. Can you pick us up our morning coffees, please?" Reece, being Reece, agreed far to easily making Mia smile. They both hung up the call. "They will be leaving soon. Marjorie is just finishing her hair, apparently." mia explained before making the bed quietly. Charlotte walked up behind Mia, wrapping her arms around her waist and hiding her head in her back. "You're my safe place," she mumbled, mia turned around and held her closer to her chest, giving up on the half made bed.

"You are always going to be safe, sweetheart, dont worry. When you go back to work, i will talk to Marjorie and make sure you are working with Winter and Sorscha. I know how fiery they both are, and one can always get autumn, so don't worry about work." she whispered, knowing it was sunday today.

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