1. What happened?!

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Things hadn't been as happy and perfect in Charlotte's life as everyone seemed to believe. She was so good at putting up a front that no one ever questioned anything. Deep down the world as she knew it was slowly crumbling around her. From test results coming back, hate from her videos and her husband finding his darkside.

Charlotte always did her absolute best to keep a smile on her face whenever she was questioned about her wellbeing. "They don't need to know. You will be a burden to them if they find out anything." She would always remind herself. Charlotte was fighting so many demons that even she didn't know where to start, so by bottling everything up, she was saving herself from reliving everything.

Charlotte had carried on her day as normal, even if she had been expecting a phone call. Her phone rang in her hand as she sat in her car on her lunch break. She stared blankly at the screen. She didn't want the answer that was coming her way. Just like that, a 2 minute call was all it took for the world around her to come crashing down. The phone she once held to her ear now fell to the floor. It felt like forever before the crash of the phone falling echoed through the silence.

The girl stopped rooted to the spot, her hands trembling and her breathing shakey. Charlotte stared out the window blankly as tears formed in her eyes before slowly trickling one after the other down her pale cheeks. Everything around her had just stopped. She could no longer hear the noises around her, the cars on the road, the radio playing quietly, the rainbon the window. Everything had stopped apart from the pounding in Charlottes chest. She had a feeling for months. Something was wrong, but she never realised the depths of the situation.

After what felt like hours, Charlotte was snapped from her thoughts when there was a tap on her window and the faint sound of  her name being called. Charlotte couldn't bring herself to move. She knew exactly who it was, she could recognise her best friend's voice anywhere.

The sound of her voice got louder as she opened the car door. "Char... Char... Charlotte, it's me, Marjorie,  I'm going to put my arms around you. " She calmly before quickly wrapping her arms around her trembling friend, not asking questions. Marjorie could feel her shirt getting damper and damper from Charlottes tears as she sobbed into her shoulder. Marjorie held her in a tight embrace and swayed them both slightly while gently hushing Charlotte, tracing patterns over her back. After a few minutes, Charlotte sobs turned to sniffles, and her breathing regulated again. "I'm proud of you, you are okay, I've got you." Marjorie whispered.

They stayed together for a little while longer before Marjorie stepped back and picked up Charlotte's hands, holding them in her own, rubbing her thumb gently over her knuckles. Charlotte didn't once take her gaze off the window. "Char, come with me. Let's go into the office." Marjorie said quietly while leading Charlotte inside. She led Charlotte into the office that she shared with Autumn before gently pushing her back to sit, crouching down in front of her. She slowly lifted her hand and tilted Chars head so she was now looking at each other. Autumn raised an eyebrow but didn't want to push Charlotte. "Marj, what's this about?" The deputy whispered calmly. Surprisingly, she moved sat next to Charlotte, wrapping her arm around her shoulders. Tears brimmed in Charlotte's eyes. She tried to blink them away before anyone noticed, but it was no luck, Marjorie saw and wiped her eyes with her long sleeve. "Please just talk to me or Auts when you are ready. We will be here." Marjorie spoke, in a hushed manner, Charlotte visibly relaxing as she lent her head against Autumns shoulder.

She took a shaky breath. "I got test results back, and I can no longer carry a child. David has been trying for months. He is so angry at me all the time for not just being a 'normal woman'. He doesn't love me, I try to hide it because you and everyone else don't need to know, but he's hurting me, and I mean, we are the couple everyone looks up to. " Autumn went to move, but Marjorie passed her the tissue box that was sat on her desk, but as they moved, Charlotte jumped. "Please dont leave me! Please!" Charlotte began to sob, grabbing hold of Autumns arm. "Char, calm down. I was getting you a tissue to save my sleeve from your makeup." Marjorie joked, and Charlotte sighed in defeat. "How about I pack you a bag and you can come to live with me but I'm not doing it until after i get a proper hug from you" she whispered before pulling Charlotte into her chest.

"I won't ask loads of questions, but how long has this been happening?" Autumn asked softly as she rubbed Charlottes back, rage bubbling unside of her. "Not too long, really... maybe been arguing for about six months and trying for the past eight months so it could be worse." she chuckled, trying to make light of the situation. Charlotte was exhausted. She had allowed herself to get comfortable in Autumns arms as she snuggled up, her eyes fluttering closed. Marjorie has been watching her best friend, not once had either of them seen her this bad before.

Autumn slowly moved and laid her back on the couch and watched as Charlotte slept. After 20 something changed in Charlotte, her whole body tightened, and she became restless. Marjorie hushed her while moving her hand over her arm slowly. It didn't take long for Charlotte to settle back into sleeping peacefully. Autumn had made a few phone calls to people while she was asleep. Just as Autumn put the phone down, she heard the office door swing open. Deep down, Marjorie knew what was coming.

It didn't take long before the shouting started. "Charlotte,  this is stupid. You are here to work. Not sit in an office!" Her husband shouted while walking to Charlotte.

"What on earth is she doing?" Autumns blood began to boil. "She's asleep. Now shh, she's exhausted." Marjorie whispered, trying to keep calm for Charlotte's sake, causing David to roll his eyes. "Charlotte get the fuck up and out to the car!" He shouted, ignoring everything Marjorie just said. Charlotte sat up quickly and moved as told. She was wobbly on her legs as she had literally just woken up. Autumn moved to stand with her to keep Charlotte upright. "The washing machine is finished, dinner needs cooking. You should have thought of that before sleeping" David went to walk towards Charlotte, she flinched. Autumn raised her eyebrow and David chuckled to himself. "Pathetic" me muttered, loud enough for everyone to hear.

Marjorie couldn't believe what she just witnessed. Autumn moved away and Marjorie moved to hold her friend and slowly took her into the staff room. "Come and sit with me for a moment" Marjorie whispered, leading Charlotte towards the couch but Char rapidly shook her head. "Marjorie i can't right now. If I don't do what he told me he wil-" she quickly stopped herself and moved away from Marjorie, heading towards the sink. "He will what Charlotte?" She asked as she stood watching her best friend leaning over the sink. The colour draining from her face. Charlotte ignored and kept her back facing Marjorie. She walked up to Charlotte and gently placed her hands on her friends shoulders.

Charlotte tensed and became rooted to the spot. "Please dont hurt me" She whimpered. Marjorie felt a lump in her throat that made it hard to talk. "I-I could never Char" she whispered.

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