15. make up

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"Carly, i love that you can be so sweet but so annoying to them." Charlotte giggled slightly for the first time in a while. "I promise not to hurt you again." Charlotte spoke calmly as Carly wrapped  her arms around her tightly. Carly snuggled into Charlotte, completely relaxed. Mia pulled Charlotte closer to her. "I've got both of you, but i think we need to be worried about Reece."


"Marjorie, what is wrong?" He asked nervously. "I mean, apart from you traumatising Carly with our phenomenal phone call and arguing with Mia, I am so proud of you. You handled it all so well today." she whispered before wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. He hugged her back and kissed the top of her head. "Darling, im so proud of you too."

He stood and smiled at her before the moment was broken. "Reeeeeece.... Mia said that..." carly shouted before being cut  off quickly. "...Carly shut up." Reece rolled his eyes before . "I swear these two." he muttered as he took his girlfriends hand. "Will you both cut it out? Charlotte asked before noticing Reece stood at the door.

"Char, you okay?" He asked calmly, to which she nodded slightly before shoving Mias shoulder. "Honestly, she's a nightmare, though. She's winding up carly, but then Carly is doing it back, but Mia said how kind and caring you both are, and Carly wanted to share, and now she's the same colour as her hair." Charlotte spoke calmly before giggling slightly as Mia pushed her girlfriend. "Stop pushing her, im the other side!" Carly complained as she pushed Charlotte back into mia.

Charlotte put her arms around Carly and rubbed her back gently. "Im sorry. She's hard work sometimes, but I still love her." Charlotte whispered, earning a glare from Mia. "I give up with you three but thanks dickhead." He giggled slightly at how red Mia was. "Char, you look exhausted.  Why dont we put that movie on?" Marjorie whispered as she picked up the remote, setting up Netflix. Charlotte nodded slightly as she rested her head on Mias shoulder, still holding Carly.  "Char, let Carly come and sit with me, and you can put your feet up." Reece whispered as he shut the curtains to make the room darker.

Carly stood up and moved next to Reece before anyone could say anything about it. Charlotte moved slightly, her eyes already fluttering. "Shh baby girl, you sleep," Mia whispered calmly as Marjorie covered her friend in a blanket, tucking her in slightly.

"Can someone tell Auts im okay?" Charlotte asked quietly. "Char, I've been messaging her all evening.  She's been worried about you." Reece told her, but Charlotte was too tired to respond. Mia gently played with Charlottes hair as she rested her head in her lap.

Just as Charlotte drifted off to sleep, the front door was slammed shut. Charlotte jumped awake and clung tightly onto mia. "Dont worry, i will go and see. We are all okay," Reece whispered as he stood up. Mia went to move, but Charlotte shook her head and held on tightly. "Okay, okay, i will stay here." Mia watched as Charlotte made herself as small as possible, her knees to her chest.

Just then, the living room door opened, and there stood Reece and Autumn. "Fuck sake Autumn you have scared Charlotte!" Mia shouted at her. Charlotte moved away from her girlfriend and walked over to Autumn. Wrapping her arms around the taller woman. Autumn stood there slightly uncomfortable before giving in and hugging Charlotte back. "Sorry, i scared you." she whispered. "Fucking hell, Autumn has a soft side" Carly squealed in shock. "Carly language!" Both Marjorie and Reece shouted at her. The young girl quickly  her mouth with her hands. "Carly, it's fine. I just dont want to hear it again!" Reece warned her in his work voice, carly nodded slightly and sat quietly. It was very rare that he would ever use that tone with Carly.

Autumn led Charlotte over to the couch and sat next to her, leaving her arm around her shoulders. "Thank you." Charlotte whispered. Autumn smiled ever so slightly at Charlotte. Mia kept an eye on Carly as the young girl went quiet. "Reece," the red head whispered to get his attention. The second he looked at her, she tilted her head towards Carly. He sighed before moving to sit next to her.

"Hey, kiddo, you know im not actually bothered by you swearing. Im just not used to it, and i dont want to drop you home swearing." Reece told her. She instantly rested her head on his shoulder. "I-I thought you were mad at me," she whispered. Reece wrapped his arms around her gently and kissed the top of her head. Marjore walked over and sat the other side of Carly. "Look at you guys," Charlotte whispered, a smile playing on her lips.

Autumn moved away slowly and pushed Charlotte gently towards Mia, but taking hold of her hand. "Im sure she needs cuddles to, she acts all big and strong, but deep down, she was the child that cried to her teddy as a child." she whispered. "AUTUMN GO AWAY!" Mia screamed at her, but Charlotte quickly cuddled into girlfriend. "Amelia, listen to me, you are okay. We aren't going to judge you. Now please calm down. It's okay," Charlotte hushed as she traced circles on her back. "Auts to far especially today, with Char hurting Carly. You know how she relates to her before he got to her" Reece told her quietly  so that no one heard. She sighed before moving closer to Mia. Charlotte moved slightly, and Autumn pulled Mia closer to her chest. "Im so sorry. I didn't mean any of it. You are okay. We are all here, and we all love you." Autumn hushed.

Mia stayed quiet in Autumns arms. Charlotte moved before smiling slightly. "Auts, she's asleep. I mean, i think we all need to sleep, " Charlotte whispered. "Char i will carry her to the spare room, and you can all sleep here tonight," Reece whispered before slowly standing up and lifting the red head up in his arms. "Carly, i can drop you home,  or you can sleep on the couch," Marjorie offered, Carly nodded slightly. "Can i stay, please?" She asked, to which Marjorie nodded. "I will stay down here eith you. She will be fine upstairs. When she's like this, she does normally sleep away her emotions." Charlotte spoke calmly before looking at Autumn. "Thank you, really... you got her settled and calm, so thank you, " Charlotte said quietly. "It wasn't right, but at least now she's asleep."


Autumn left to go home to see winter. "Char, can i have a hug?" Carly whispered from the other couch. She smiled softly before getting up and walking to sit with Carly. She fiddled with her hair gently. "Im so sorry for today, but Carly, i am so proud of how you handled everything."Charlotte spoke calmly. "I love you. Char, go be with Mia." she mumbled back as her eyes got heavy. "Reece is keeping an eye on her, and im here with you. Dont worry about any of it." Charlotte whispered as Carly just nodded before drifting off to sleep.

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