𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑜

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Here's the first chapter because i couldn't wait until Wednesday...I hope ya'll enjoy, tell me if you do.


I don't have a problem with slow burn i just need ROMANCE QUICK 

Sorry Ladies and Bitches WELCOME AND ENJOY

Zoe sat in the back of a black SUV,. Her manager, Sarah, was sitting next to her, going over last-minute details for the upcoming interview.

"Okay, so just remember to smile and be engaging with the interviewer. We want to give them a good impression of you."

"I know, I know. I just hate these interviews. They always ask the same questions."

"I know, but it's part of the job. Plus, fans want to hear from you. And who knows, maybe today's interview will be different."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," 

"Oh, and don't forget to mention your upcoming album. The studio wants us to promote it as much as possible."

"How could I forget?" Zoe said, rolling her eyes. "They've been breathing down my neck about it for weeks now."

The cameras were rolling and the bright lights were focused on Zoe. She was on the Timmy Jallon Tonight Show, surrounded by a live audience.

"And joining us now is the incredibly talented pop star, Zoe!" Timmy Jallon announced, the audience erupted in applause.

Zoe smiled and waved to the crowd as she took her seat next to Timmy Jallon.

"Thanks for having me," she said, still waving to the audience.

"So, Zoe, congrats on the success of your new single. It's been number one on the charts for weeks now," 

"Thank you, Timmy. I'm thrilled that people are enjoying it. I worked really hard on it."

"And I understand you have a new album coming out soon?" Timmy asked, looking down at this cue cards.

"Yes, that's right. In just a few weeks, my fourth album will be released. I'm really excited about it. I think it's my most personal album yet."

"That's great to hear, and without giving too much away, can you give us a hint about what fans can expect to hear on the album?"

"Well, I can say that it's a mix of pop, R&B, and some electronic elements. I've also experimented a bit with my songwriting, so the lyrics are a bit different from my previous albums."

"Interesting," Timmy said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "And I understand you wrote most of the songs on this album yourself, yes?"

"Yes, that's true. I've always enjoyed writing music, so it was really important to me to have creative control over this album."

"You know, I remember when you first started out, you were just this little newcomer in the industry, and look at you now, a full-fledged pop star with a new album on the way."

"It's been a wild ride, that's for sure. Sometimes I can't believe how far I've come. But I'm grateful for all the support from my fans and the opportunities I've had along the way."

So, now that summer is just around the corner, do you have any fun plans lined up?"

"Well, besides promoting the album, I'm actually going to take a little break," Zoe said, pausing to think for a moment. "I think I'm going to go on a vacation somewhere warm and relaxing. Maybe I'll stop by and watch a few concerts."

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