Sixth Grade

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The photo above is a picture of the park where my friends and I hang out.

The Pact

Chapter 2

Sixth Grade

Sixth grade year,

As I walked down the hallways of the school where I was once known as a fifth grader I felt like the queen because I was now in sixth grade. I had my wonderful friends Hunter and Daisey, they were always by my side. We have been together for as long as I can remember, they were the typical everyday 'peeps' most kids have in their lives. I knew that we would be together for ever and that we would make the right choices along our adventures. 

"Hey guys!" I walked up to the sixth grade waiting spot.

Every morning the kids walk into the gymnasium and go to the spot that has their grade there; so every year you move over to a new spot unless you get held back. It feels like moving into a new house, at first its cool then it gets old. Us sixth graders were by the stage in the gymnasium, yes theirs a stage in our gymnasium believe it or not. Sadly the school doesn't use the stage, it just sits their and collects dust as time passes.


They both ran up to me smiling giving me a big hug; we all missed each other over the long summer and were recouping to the 'new'. Being a sixth grader is a lot different from being a fifth grader, its like hitting puberty, so I heard. 

"So were officially sixth graders now!" I spewed out how proud I was to be in an 'eight periods a day grade'.

"I know right! I wonder what it's going to be like having lockers." The funny thing about lockers is I thought I'd have the memo down about them, but I ended up just rigging mine so I wouldn't have to put in a code between each period. Here the teachers are strict about us kids getting to class on time and if I couldn't enter my code in time for each period I'd be in a shit load of trouble.

At this age reaching sixth grade feels like you're an official 'older kid' if you get what I'm saying. You feel like an 'older kid' for a week till you realize you're not the older kid you the 'runt of the litter' the youngest of the young, you're in middle school and you just started as the 'younger kid'.

 Besides knowing you're the the runt of the litter being in sixth grade is one of the coolest feelings you can get; you get to leave when the bell rings, you feel free, older, mature and act as if you can do whatever you want. All the fifth graders you're buddies with look up to you and daydream about when they'll hit sixth grade.

In sixth grade we had our typical cliche goals and dreams but I started realizing things I never thought about before. "Hey Kyle." Kyle is a washed up kid that does drugs and tells girls hoping to get attention in return, but when he talks about it in front of me I give him unwanted attention.

"Whats up guys?" He sat down by Daisey as he usually does; they both dated at one point but broke up because he got too touchy for her and she found out she didn't like him. Daisey is always a bit skittish around him because even though they're not dating he still touches her a lot.

Every time I saw him I thought about weed because it's what he talked about a lot; I couldn't stop thinking about it and realized a lot more people do drugs than I could imagine. I also noticed I can't stand people that do drugs, I had no reason except for it was stupid and meaningless.

On the other hand I like getting my friends to do good even if they don't have a chance of doing bad things, I like to keep them influenced. It's nice having them want to do more active things otherwise social media, and Instagram.

Finally it was third period which was art for Hunter, Daisey and I. In art today we were having a 'free day' so I came up with a cool Idea to entertain us."Hey guys want to make a scrapbook?" I smiled holding up a pair of scissors. They both looked at one another silently deciding weather to do it or not; they then looked back at me and said 'sure'.We all walked over to the stacks of magazines our art teacher held for future projects; I sifted through the stack and found my self a kids toy catalog finding it cute.

Throughout the period we cut out pictures of things we thought were funny, cute, weird or just something meaningless we enjoyed. We then put all the cut out pictures in a folder and headed for next period.

Hey potatoes! Like chapter four? If so hit that vote button! I will return favors, vote for vote, follow for follow and comment for comment! Oh, and don't forget this story is based on true events I was evolved in. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, share it with your friends thell like it to I bet! Love you all bye! ♡

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