Not This Again

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The Pact

Chapter 15

Not This Again,

October, my month, my birthday is October third if I haven't told you yet. I not only love October for my birthday being apart of it but I also love it because of Halloween. This year there is going to be a Halloween dance for sixth, seventh and eighth graders. Its being held in the gymnasium as usual and there will be a Halloween costume competition, Hunter, Daisey and I are planning to get together before the dance, which works out because the dance is on a Saturday.

Despite of the Halloween dance my birthday is coming up first so that's where my focus is at for the time being.I wish to have my birthday with my family, my reasons are is because I never feel like throwing a birthday party; I like opening my presents then going on social media in my bedroom. That's the birthday I want.

I have my other reasons for that through, most of my friends throw 'slumber parties' for their birthday, but me I can't even if I wanted to. My father has like a weird thing about people; when the mailman arrives he's pulls out his gun because he always has the fear he mailman will break in or look threw our windows.

My father is an Atheist, which means he doesn't believe in any gods, so when the Jehovah's Witness came to our house to talk about god my dad would start locking the gate we had at the top of our driveway. I agree with my father through, It's not like I go door to door telling them to not believe god so why should they be able to go door to door sharing pieces of the bible?

A long time ago I was at my friend Alex's house, we were all watching the One Direction 'Best Song Ever' video over and over again till somebody knocked on the door. With this happening Alex's Mexican wiener dogs were triggered to bark because they bark at pretty much anything. She opened the door and it turned out to be Jehovah's Witness wanting to ask questions from the bible. My friend Hillary and I decided to have Alex do all the work while we sat down and watched TV.

It wasn't the nicest thing we chose to do because Alex struggled to answer the questions, but we decided she needed to take one for the team; Hillary and I are always working our asses off to have a good sleepover with Alex while she sits down on social media. I mean, that's fun and all, but when I'm at a sleepover I'm more active than usual.

There isn't much to talk about my birthday except for I got clothes and a tablet. I had an Oreo pie for my cake and then went upstairs to set up my tablet. My tablet is basically a mini TV, its the Samsung Galaxy TabPRO, its around four hundred dollars in price but my father found it on a deal, because he buys nothing unless it's for a good deal.

I was pleased with my gifts and birthday, my friends all wished me a happy-birthday and what not, so overall it was pretty good. As much as I hoped for my birthday to be on the weekend it wasn't and I still had school to worry about. I started failing three classes, third, fourth and eighth period; I'm struggling in many subjects for some reason and I just can't tell why.

In third I was struggling because Mrs. Hallkins has been handing out a bunch of tests I wasn't passing, I'm not one with grammar, I suck at spelling and I don't know how to use a semicolon yet. For fourth period It's more grammar and spelling then third so I'm not doing so hot here either. Every morning we have a warm up to correct errors in two paragraphs then rewrite it down in our journals and I can barely find three mistakes when there is usually five to six, and on top of that I don't know what a semicolon is or how it works. Lastly for eighth period I'm failing in Mrs. Zillly's, math...I can't tell why but when we get handed a paper to work on I barely understand anything; I look around and see everybody working when I can barely solve the first problem so I started cheating off others because I can't solve shit and if I don't finish these papers I'll start getting referrals and be humiliated because I am smart and I can't show I'm struggling.

The Pact #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now