Come Back

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The Pact

Chapter 24

Come Back

Me: C'mon, I'm here for you, just come back and everything will go back to the way it was before.

Her: I'm not sure...

I looked over at my picture frame and saw a picture of us together, I then viewed my alarm clock and it read: 6:28. "I better finish getting ready." I got up and walked into the bathroom finishing my morning routine.

After I got on the bus I walked into the same old Gymnasium I walk in to every day, this time it's a bit different though. I looked at all teachers and noticed a bucket of leftover flowers in it, my eyes darted looking for the source and I then found myself looking at Mrs. Lace, crying.

She was in tears holding a bouquet of flowers, I then remember last Friday the office said on the intercom that their would be flowers for the students to give to retiring teachers. I grabbed what I could out of the leftovers and gave Mrs. Lace some while giving her a hug to.

I started crying from the commotion because it was heartwarming but also depressing, the heartwarming part is easy to figure out but I was sad because when I cry it's hard for me to stop cause I never cry, I also start thinking about other things when I cry and it ends up being something not fun.

After all of the teacher commotion first, second,third,fourth and fifth period have been just cleaning and talking. Since it's the last day of school I didn't bring my bag or anything so it was pretty easy in the end.

For lunch it was nothing special, no cool food, so sadly I didn't eat I ended up walking around the school with Tim and Daisey. As we walked we passed 'Bitch Patrol' and I heard them talking about Tim, Daisey and I.

"I heard Tim, Daisey and Allie all had a threesome!" Her and her friends all laughed and then maniacally stared at us while we walked by. I just ignored the fact that Sabrina was talking shit, I'm use to's a thing she does every day so it didn't effect me for a second. The thing that was bothering was the fact people would think Daisey, Tim and I would have a threesome (O_O).

Around June Hunter and I were talking and I think I got her to come back to Gold Beach for the summer but we haven't talked for a week so I'm not sure.

Me: C'mon, I'm here for you, just come back and everything will go back to the way it was before.

Her: I'm not sure...

Me: What do you mean? I'm here for you...we can have a super fun summer this year.

Her: You lost me...why are you helping me now when you had the chance before to prevent me from moving!?

Me: I don't know! We all make mistakes and this was have to forgive me. I'm not proud of my choices but I know how to fix them and learn from them. Come back, home, with Daisey and I...please.

Her: I can't, it doesn't just work that way Allie...I have to ask my mother if I can go back with her and if I'm lucky I will, I have to go...I'll talk to you later, bye.

Me: Bye.

I turned my IPod screen off and placed it on the chair to the right of my bed, I then picked it up and got on Instagram. I scanned through old pictures on our old account Daisey, Hunter and I owned a while back. There were pictures of us everywhere and quotes, I read the bio and it said Daisey and Allie...I then read the username again, the_3_muskateers1370. I thought to myself, if Hunter and I were in a fight, why would Daisey and I leave the name to the three musketeers when it was just Daisey and I at the time.

I then looked threw the people we were following and noticed we were following somebody called the_1_muskateer, I clicked on the account and noticed it was Hunter's old account, it had one picture and was of her. I liked the picture and then turned my IPod off placing it at the edge of my bed.

I turned my tablet on and went to WattPad I checked the feed for my two excelling books The Girl And Guy In Ballet Shoes and Chemistry. The books are both terrible, they have no controlled plot and make no sense but I still leave them there because their a memory.I love the books through because they have a piece of what I was thinking about when I wrote them and that is something important.

Hey Potatoes, sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to say the Instagram accounts are real and by checking them out you can solve who is who in the group of Daisey, Hunter and Allie. You should already know who Allie is (me) and the Instagram account the_1_muskateer has Hunter in it so you can see who she is, and Daisey is the last person left. I love you all, if you liked this chapter please vote because I do vote for vote, comment for comment and even follow for follow. XOXO ~t3llatal3

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