The 'New' Me

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The Pact

Chapter 18

The 'New' Me

Remember Jason, I left him again because I don't like dating; it's just too much plus I believe it distracts me and makes my grads slip. I need to focus on school, or I could just finish it when there's a week before the semester is over, that seems better. As for life again, Hunter, Daisey and I were all I think spending too much time together because we were always with one another. Recently we've been fighting a lot and I don't want that. Its Hunter and I that have it worse out of all of us, were always arguing about things, Jay and cutting.

We 'egg' one another on and just rowley each other up, I'm always bitching to her about Jay and she's always complaining that she is depressed and that Jay is an asshole. Okay sweet cheeks if you claim this which its true then why do you keep dating him, are you that desperate? She's always claiming she loves him but this clearly this isn't love, if only you could be in my shoes right now. Love is something special, not calling one another an asshole or hoe then breaking up and getting back together for five million times. As I said before through, all kids are stupid at this age, even I am. I think I'm very wise and shit but no, I'm just like everybody else in this stupid story, I may sound a bit more mature because maybe I am I just think differently.What I mean by kids are stupid at this age is me saying kids just don't think and are at a good maturity yet.

For me, I started not giving two fucks about anything, I have to say my seventh grade year isn't going as I hoped so far. I recently since December have been getting in trouble yet I'm not sure if it's a weird new years thing but for some reason I just don't do my work and can't listen to a single teacher. Maybe the idea of it being 2015 is frying my brain.

I got written up four referrals in one day because I disobeyed Mrs. Sarra multiple times, I argue with Mrs. K and Mrs. Hallkinz, you may think this is nothing but for me this is everything. Deep down I questioned what I was doing with my life but on the outside I was a badass. I started going to detention again where I went last year after I ran away. I'd go every day and meet Tyler there and we'd talk for a good hour.

People started calling me a bad kid, saying I was going to do drugs. I remember Alex saying she never saw me like this and through I was a gangster. I didn't think much of these opinions I just let them pass bye. I'm only really focused on my friends and not others opinions that don't matter to me.

Besides my grades nothing new was happening, I still kept failing, Hunter and Jay,Daisey and Delilah.... nothing exciting was happening till...

"Okay so you're saying just because I didn't cut I know nothing about true love because you and Jay aren't true love, it doesn't take a wizard to realize that!"

"Okay no, we have something special-"

"Ya, you keep telling yourself that Hunter because you and I know it's not something special."

"Whatever I've been threw more so just leave me alone,"

"No, you have been putting yourself threw more, I've been trying to help you!"

"You ran away!"

I clenched my fists while grinding my teeth. "It was out of curiosity!"

As it got silent I noticed Hunter go on her phone and sit there texting while I looked around. After every fight I end up having to do something or it will be like this for ever.

"Can we just stop please, Hunter I'm sorry." I looked at her as she continued texting. "Hunter." I waited for her to reply and I got a mumble as she stared at her phone. I then looked at Daisey and saw her on her phone to. "Hunter!" I raised my voice catching her attention. "How am I supposed to fix things when you're just sitting there not answering me?" She mumbled and looked back at her phone. "Fine I'm going to bed, good night guys."

As they didn't say a word I lay there closing my eyes just thinking, and like that next thing I knew it was morning. I always wake up later than them so I was the only one in the room. I decided to go threw Daisey's bag of papers she crumpled because she didn't want Hunter and I seeing.

I pulled out a paper and read it: Depression sucks. I pulled out another: The scars. and another: 0 days clean. What does '0 days clean' mean? I heard Daisey in the other room say she was going to come get me as I heard that I started putting the stuff away and sat up turning my tablet on as if I were already awake.

"Hey, I didn't know you were awake?" She peaked her head in.

"Ya I just woke up and decided to check social media." I turned off my tablet and got up.

"Ya Hunter and I were wondering if you wanted to go to the field?" I spaced out for the moment she said field. The last time Hunter, Daisey and I went to the field was for Daisey's birthday in September, we decided to meet up their with Jay and Hunter ended up using Daisey on her birthday to go to the field to see Jay. The entire time we were there Jay and Hunter just made out! I was furious, I didn't understand why Hunter would do that but she did.

I decided to go after I cleaned myself up, as we walked silence feel upon us as Daisey played her 'Child Eating Music'. "I don't feel like starting a fight but Jay isn't going to be here right?" Hunter rolled her eyes as Daisey answered. "No, just us." I didn't want to end the last conversation between us before we got there like this. 'So then what are we going to do?" I smiled and noticed Hunter was ahead of us.

"Whats her problem?" I whispered to Daisey.

"She looked at her feet. "Nothing." I guess I should of shut up because now something else just happened and something I was trying to avoid.

Hey Potatoes, this chapter is a bit weird, I'm the one being a bit more of a bitch because I kept pestering Hunter about Jay. If you like this chapter then vote because I do vote for vote, comment for comment and even follow for follow! I love you all, you guys keep me going!  XOXO ~t3llatal3

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