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The Pact

Chapter 20



For Kat, Dahlia, Daisey and I hanging out more Kat told us about a parkour club we could join. I thought it would be an amazing idea because I love working out and I get to hang out with my friends. After school we were all planning to head to parkour to check it out, I'm excited because I never go anywhere after school except for home.

When homeroom hit I started hearing rumors about Hunter, I heard multiple things, something about her moving away forever. I didn't believe that because the last time she told me she was moving away it was a prank. She told me she was moving away and I believed her and when she said she wasn't I cried tears of joy. The other rumors is that she is doing drugs now, I find that terribly hard to believe because she isn't that dumb.

I walked over to Mrs. Lace and got my planner signed. After that I threw it on top of my bag and snuck out of the classroom with Daisey following. Daisey and I love just walking around the school during homeroom. I wasn't sure if Daisey heard about the rumors or if she knew anything so I brought it up as if she hadn't known yet.

"I heard Hunter is moving." I looked at her and she remained the same emotion so that told me she's already heard.

"Yeah, she is." She kept walking as I stopped, I took a moment and then widened my eyes.

"Woah woah woah, hold up, she is...like in real life, no prank?" I looked at her waiting for an answer, she stopped in her tracks.

"Yeah, haven't you heard?" She turned around.

"Yes but I try my best to avoid other people but you, Kat and Delilah." I looked at her puzzled wondering if she was just agreeing with what the other kids were saying. "Did Hunter tell you herself that she's moving?"

"Yes, I was texting her last night." I started walking with her as we made our way to Hunters homeroom. As much as I believed Daisey I didn't like the fact that Hunter was going.

When we got into the gymnasium we decided to go hangout in the locker room. Daisey and I like hanging out in the locker room before they call bussers because it's like an escape, were alone and we can talk about whatever. I usually come down here every day before bussers go because I ride the bus and I have a signature seat i've been sitting in since I first moved here so I have to get my seat.

I sat on the bench as Daisey walked around holding her phone. "Is she really going?" I turned on my Ipod typing in my passcode 1370.

"Yes." She rolled her eyes and kept walking around. I can tell when I annoy Daisey and this is one of those times. "Sorry." I apologized and then went to the settings on my Ipod, I then went to passcode settings and clicked 'Change Passcode'. I typed in my current passcode and then below typed in my new one 1133.

"Want to head back to homeroom?" I turned off my Ipod and slipped it into my coat pocket.

"Yeah." She slid her phone into her boot and started walking out the door. I don't get why she's acting so sensitive to this situation but I know if I keep pestering her about it she'll get mad not annoyed.

We walked back to homeroom and as soon as we did they called bussers, I didn't have to worry because I'm walking to Parkour with Kat and Delilah; Daisey isn't going because her mother needs her back at home.

I sat in my assigned seat for math and turned my Ipod back on, I looked around as it turned on and noticed everybody just socializing; nothing much just me analyzing people I know. After my Ipod turned on I reached into my bag and grabbed my earbuds plugging them into my Ipod, I next went to my free music downloader app and went to my Iggy Azalea playlist while started to play the song 'Bounce'.

I sat there leaning my head back on the cold seat, I then turned up the volume and just thought about life. Why, why can't I just have a happy friend ship with Hunter and Daisey? I may have said before that I have the perfect life but everybody hit those bumps in the road and I'm hitting one of them.

Hunter and I would always get in fights but this time it's something different, as I said before, deep down I'm crying but outside I guess I'm 'badass'. I unpluged my earbuds and turned off my Ipod, I smiled and walked over to Kat, Delilah and Daisey; I did the one thing I'm best at doing, being happy and blocking out the things that make me sad.

All I wanted for the evening was to enjoy Parkour and hang with my mains, and that's exactly what happened. Once we made it to the high school where the Parkour was being held we walked into the Gymnasium and just talked. I decided to be more active while I was there, I was never sure how to sign up so I just checked out the equipment they had.

The Parkour club had many mats for flipping, rings for swinging on, ropes for swinging on to, nets to climb and bars for what bars are for I guess. I decided to do another thing I do best, gymnastics; I started doing backbends, headstands and front limbers. When I first moved here I did gymnastics for a few years but ended up quitting because it was too much money.

After about twenty minutes of me running around doing gymnastics the co-runner of the club asked me to join and handed me a slip. It was the best feeling I ever got because they came to me and I felt amazing. I was very proud of myself and what happened, my friends and I had a blast hanging out there and I hope my parents let me join.

Hey Potatoes, I love you all so much! I really enjoyed writing this chapter as I do for all of them, If your wondering why I had to add the part with the numbers and passcode you will see. I hoped you like this chapter and vote because I do vote for vote, follow for follow and even comment for comment! XOXO ~t3llatal3

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